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Workflow Multi sequences NCBI BLAST (1)

Run a BLAST analysis using the EBI's WSNCBIBlast service (see This workflow wraps the EBI_NCBI_BLAST workflow to provide a basic user interface which prompts for the required inputs: sequence file, database, BLAST program and user e-mail. Other parameters (e.g. matrix, sort, gap penalties, etc.) are allowed to default.

Created: 2008-12-05

Credits: User Whybiocc

Attributions: Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST_with_prompts Workflow EBI_Blast2InterPro

Workflow Create Ugi Library 001 (1)

Creates a virtual library of SMILES codes for all possible combinations of Ugi products based on lists of SMILES of starting materials in a Google Spreadsheet.  Uses Rajarshi Guha's web service. Can someone create a Taverna workflow that does this?

Created: 2008-12-04

Credits: User Jean-Claude Bradley

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Parallel Split (AND-Split) (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a parallel split that invokes A and B recurrently without synchronization. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: new Thread( end_A = A() ); new Thread( end_B = B() );

Created: 2008-12-03 | Last updated: 2008-12-03

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Sequence (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a sequence that sequentially invokes A and B. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: end_A = A(); end_B = B(end_A);

Created: 2008-12-03

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow blastp using the MRS system (1)

This blastp workflow uses the blast service of MRS ( Inputs are a sequence (only amino acids, not a fasta sequence) and a database name. Valid database names that can be used are "sprot", "uniprot", "trembl", "pdb", "refseq", "ipi" and "gpcrdb". Output is returned in XML.

Created: 2008-11-28 | Last updated: 2008-11-28

Credits: User Bas Vroling

Workflow GWorkflowDL: Simple Test Workflow (1)

This is a trivial test workflow modeled using the Grid Workflow Description Language (GWorkflowDL), which can be executed by means of the Grid Workflow Execution Service (GWES).

Created: 2008-11-25

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel


Workflow Get ART2A classification result showing th... (1)

This workflow load an ART2A classifcation results and creates a diagram showing the origin allocation within the different cluster or classes. This is usable for performing a chemical diversity analysis. The result is stored within an PDF which contains a diagram and a table of the classification result.

Created: 2008-11-17

Credits: User Thomasku


Workflow ART2A Classification Workflow (1)

This workflow loads a vector from a database and performs an ART2A classification. The ART2A classificator contains various options which are changeable within the stored workflow configuration file. There is no UI for these content available.

Created: 2008-11-17

Credits: User Thomasku


Workflow Molecular Weight Distribution (1)

This workflow calculates the molecular weight of molecules stored in a postgres sql database with the Pgchem::tigress chemoinformatics cardridge. The cardridge perform the molecular weight calculation. The get a moleculear weight distribution worker creates a chart of the available data.

Created: 2008-11-07

Credits: User Thomasku


Workflow Analyse the Atom Typing Result (1)

This workflow is used to analyse the result of the atom typing workflow. It creates a pdf document contains a diagram to visualise the outcome from the atom typing test to detect the for the cdk unknown atom types.

Created: 2008-11-06

Credits: User Thomasku

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