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Workflow Refresh SPI after plugin installation (1)

This workflow hacks into Taverna's plugin system to force update the net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench.views.results.saveactions.SaveAllResultsSPIRegistry SPI, which means it is possible to install/update the Taverna PROV plugin without restarting. This is needed to enable live update of this plugin, because there is a bug in Taverna 2.4 and below where the SPI registries are not updated correctly after installation of a plugin.

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes


Workflow Get Particle trajectories from starting po... (1)

This is a workflow that uses 2 different services from IMPEx to calculate different variables at a certain radius for a particular planetary model.

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS

Attributions: Workflow Sphere lan-lot random points Workflow Particle trajectories in the planetary models provided under IMPEx Workflow VOTable on the net maker for IMPEx Workflow Interpolate n-randon points in a sphere on a planetary models provided under IMPEx


Workflow Interpolate n-randon points in a sphere on... (1)

This is a workflow that uses 2 different services from IMPEx to calculate different variables at a certain radius for a particular planetary model.

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS

Attributions: Workflow Interpolate values on planetary models provided under IMPEx Workflow VOTable on the net maker for IMPEx Workflow Sphere lan-lot random points


Workflow Sphere lan-lot random points (1)

It gest n lat-lon coordinates pairs as comma separated values. It uses a a random generator from

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS


Workflow Vector field lines in the planetary models... (1)

This is a simple workflow using one of the webservice provided by IMPEx. It calculates the field lines for the vector field requested for the starting points provided for a particular planetary model.

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS


Workflow Particle trajectories in the planetary mod... (1)

This is a simple workflow using one of the webservice provided by IMPEx. It calculates the particle trajectories for the defined particle (initial position, velocity, mass and charge) for a particular planetary model.

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS


Workflow Interpolate values on planetary models pro... (2)

This is a simple workflow using one of the webservice provided by IMPEx. It calculates the value of different variables, at the cordinates that a spacecraft pass through for the time range provided, for a particular planetary model. The orbital values of the spacecraft are obtained by AMDA.

Created: 2013-09-10 | Last updated: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS


Workflow Interpolate values on planetary models pro... (1)

This is a simple workflow using one of the webservice provided by IMPEx. It calculates the value of different variables, at the cordinates provided, for a particular planetary model.

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS


Workflow VOTable on the net maker for IMPEx (1)

This simple workflow is a way to create a simple votable that uses the standards from IMPEx and provides an URL for the created VOTable enabling re-use of it through the IMPEx services

Created: 2013-09-10

Credits: User David PS


Pack RCOMM 2013 Data Mining Challenge

Created: 2013-09-09 16:20:45 | Last updated: 2013-09-09 16:24:00

This pack contains the solution and the input data generator for one of the tasks of the RCOMM 2013 data mining challenge "Who Wants to be a Data Miner?". Participants had to solve the task within 10 minutes. The task was this: Givena variant of the Golf data set (found in the //Samples/data folder) where the attribute Outlook is missing,a decision tree model built on the complete Golf data set, anda utility data set containing only the three distinct values of Golf,create an exampl...

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 57 times | Downloaded: 31 times


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