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Workflow loadData (1)

Permits loading data to Nencki Genomics Database.

Created: 2013-10-08

Credits: User mdabr


Workflow showDatasetsGenomic (1)

Shows all the datasets available in the Nencki Genomics Database ( Click 'Use examples' to see all the datasets, separated into datasets of TFBS motifs, and all the remaining datasets (areas), the latter including data from Ensembl funcgen and (thus) Encode. Publication doi: 10.1093/database/bat069

Created: 2013-10-07

Credits: User mdabr


Workflow plotGenomic (1)

This workflow returns a graphical representation of selected Nencki Genomics Database ( content in the ± 10 kb flank of the transcription start site of a chosen gene. More precisely, it returns instances of selected area types, and instances of selected motif types that intersect any of the returned area instances. The results are returned as three files: a pdf file with the plot, and two tab-separated files with the details of areas and motifs shown in the plot. P...

Created: 2013-10-07

Credits: User mdabr


Workflow get promoter region + operate on genomic i... (5)

This workflow computes a promoter region for each gene that we provide as input carrying the genomic information. Then it computes the overlap between the two datasets that contain genomic information plus some statistics. Returns rows of file_1 which overlap with the second file. A kolmogorov smirnov test is applied between the list that overlaps and the one that does not. Uses the R package GenomicRanges.

Created: 2013-10-04 | Last updated: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni

Workflow Crawl Web with filter words (1)

Crawl Web with filter words

Created: 2013-09-30

Workflow WebCrawl with word filter (1)

WebCrawl with word filter

Created: 2013-09-23

Workflow Example of interoperability validation on ... (2)

Workflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. The web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVORest config). To check interoperability we have to validatate the connections between outputs and inputs of the artifacts. In this case, there is an error in the connections. dec output is connected to dec input but d...

Created: 2013-09-20 | Last updated: 2013-10-31

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Use of rest services described with PDL (1)

Workflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. There are two cases. - the artifact provides as output the response from the service (rest config). - the web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVOrest config).

Created: 2013-09-20

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Blob LR Software effort

Created: 2013-09-17 08:31:50

Credits: User Miznokruge

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

can someone please help me, which values is as RMSE value?root_mean_squared_error: 2722.680 +/- 1323.104 (mikro: 3011.469 +/- 0.000) is 2722.680 mean 2722.680% ?thanks

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Workflow SCAPE Workshop demo workflow (2)

This is an updated version of the SCAPE workshow demonstrator workflow, based on the workflow defined by Sven Schlarb at

Created: 2013-09-16 | Last updated: 2013-09-19

Credits: User Donal Fellows User Sven Network-member SCAPE

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