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Project Biovel

Workflow Data Refinement Workflow v17 (17)

The aim of the (Taxonomic) Data Refinement Workflow is to provide a streamlined workflow environment for preparing observational and specimen data sets for use in scientific analysis on the Taverna platform. The workflow has been designed in a way that, • accepts input data in a recognized format, but originating from various sources (e.g. services, local user data sets), • includes a number of graphical user interfaces to view and interact with the data, • the output of each part of the work...

Created: 2012-04-11 | Last updated: 2014-12-17

Credits: User Cherian Mathew


Pack Taverna 2.3 starter pack

Created: 2011-06-21 14:16:18 | Last updated: 2012-04-05 13:55:40

The Taverna team are pleased to announce that Taverna 2.3.0 Workbench and the Command Line Tool are now available for download. Taverna 2.3.0 includes new service types, integration with service catalogues and experimental export of provenance information. Here are a few of the new features in the Workbench: REST service allowing you to perform GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations configured using a template XPath service where you can create an XPath expression from an example...

26 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 160 times | Downloaded: 66 times


Workflow DNA sequence analysis pilot (Blat) (2)

Thumb  Workflow-based  DNA sequence analysis on the Dutch Life Science Grid. This workflow is  based on , the last component (Blast analysis) is replaced by Blat analysis    

Created: 2009-11-20 | Last updated: 2009-11-30

Credits: User Angela Luijf User Barbera van Schaik User Glatard

Attributions: Workflow DNA sequence analysis pilot

Workflow NCBI Gi to Kegg Pathways (1)

This workflow converts a list of NCBI gi numbers and  converts them to a list of KEGG genes. Those KEGG gene ids are subsequently turned into KEGG pathway identifiers and descriptions. It also removes any null values from a list of strings. Example input for this workflow is as follows (new line separated): gi:215422388 gi:120407068

Created: 2009-06-08 | Last updated: 2009-12-14

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow BioAID_EnirchBioModelWithProteinsFromText (7)

This workflow is for demonstration purposes only. Please contact the authors if you wish to try it. We will gladly collaborate with you. Summary This workflow extracts proteins and protein relations from Medline. Extracted protein names (symbols of at least 3 characters) are validated against mouse, rat, and human UniProt symbols, so the results are limited to these species. This workflow follows the following basic steps: it retrieves documents relevant for the query string i...

Created: 2009-05-16 | Last updated: 2009-05-16

Credits: User Marco Roos User Sophia katrenko User Andrew Gibson User M. Scott Marshall User Willem van Hage User Edgar User Martijn Schuemie Network-member AID

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for Arabidop... (2)

This workflow searches for genes obtained from affy_ath1 affymetrix probeset identifiers. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG pathway database.

Created: 2009-03-06 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Credits: User Paul Fisher User Peter Li

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region

Workflow What is Paget's disease sparql query example (3)

SELECT distinct ?s1 FROM <> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "paget" .   FILTER( regex(?s1, "omim")   OR regex(?s1, "geneid") OR regex(?s1, "uniprot")) }   followed by SELECT ?type1, count(*) FROM <http://localhost:8890/sparql> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "paget" .   ?s1  

Created: 2009-01-20

Credits: User Francois Belleau


Pack Trident Example Workflows

Created: 2008-10-08 13:33:38 | Last updated: 2008-10-22 12:45:31

A set of example workflows for the Microsoft Trident workflow system

9 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 261 times | Downloaded: 68 times


Workflow mustang provides structural alignment of t... (3)

This workflow experiments with the partial execution of jobs on a computational grid. The workflow elements "mustang" and "boxshade" are executed on grid nodes. Access to these resources is orchestrated with the plugin available on Please contact the author of this workflow for access permissions.

Created: 2008-08-20 | Last updated: 2008-08-25

Credits: User Steffen Möller

Attributions: Workflow Fetch PDB flatfile from RCSB server

Workflow EBI_ClustalW_alignment_tree (2)

Given a set of sequences perform an multiple sequence alignment and from the multiple alignment derive a phylogenetic tree. The popular ClustalW program (see, as implemented in the EBI's WSClustalW2 service (see is used to perform both tasks.

Created: 2008-05-31 | Last updated: 2010-12-03

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Attributions: Workflow EBI_ClustalW2 Workflow EBI_ClustalW2_phylogentic_tree

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