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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Tab Parser (1)

This workflow takes in a tab separated file, and then parses specific rows and columns from the file into an Ondex Graph. Additional prarameters are provided, though these are optional: graphId Long the ID of the Graph (REQUIRED) input String the plugin input (REQUIRED) skip Integer How many rows to skip at begin of document (Optional). Default value is 22. fromCol Integer Index of concept parser id for from concept. Default value is 0. (REQUIRED) toCol Integer Index of concept par...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Table Parser (1)

This workflow parsers a table (specified by the user), into an Ondex Graph on the web server.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow getPubMedIdsFromUniprotIds (1)

This service is invoking UniprotAPI to retrive PubMedIds for articles associated with the list of UniprotIds provided in the input. It is using Axis2 webservice created using UniprotAPI and published with wsdl. Example uniprotIds for input: "Q5VWZ2"

Created: 2009-07-09

Credits: User Jelena (Obradovic) Dreskai


Workflow BioQuali synchronous workflow (1)

BioQuali: Network Compatibility and products variation inference in a biological network. Help page: Reference: Carito Guziolowski, Annabel Bourdé, Francois Moreews and Anne Siegel BioQuali Cytoscape plugin: analysing the global consistency of regulatory networks BMC Genomics 2009, 10:244 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-244 This web service is made available on GenOuest bioinformatics platform (...

Created: 2009-07-06 | Last updated: 2009-07-06

Credits: User abretaud Network-member GenOUEST Platform

Workflow Tuiuiu synchronous workflow (1)

Tuiuiu removes from a sequence or from a set of sequences areas as large as possible that do not contain researched repeats. Tuiuiu is used as a preliminary step before applying a multiple local aligner tool. Modeling and algorithmic details are provided in the following paper. Please, cite this paper if you use Tuiuiu. P. Peterlongo, G. Sacomoto, A. Pereira do Lago, N. Pisanti, M.-F. Sagot Lossless filter for multiple repeats with bounded edit distance BMC Algorithms for Mole...

Created: 2009-06-29 | Last updated: 2009-06-29

Credits: User Network-member GenOUEST Platform

Avatar Rob

Workflow myWorkflow (2)


Created: 2009-06-09

Credits: User Rob


Workflow caviar cardiac application (1)

Applications details in the following paper: Ketan Maheshwari, Tristan Glatard, Joel Schaerer, Bertrand Delhay, Sorina Camarasu, Patrick Clarysse, Johan Montagnat. "Towards Production-level Cardiac Image Analysis with Grids" in Proceedings of the HealthGrid'09, Berlin, 28-30 june 2009 The 3 green boxes are run on the EGEE grid. Addional Beanshells have been added to transfer results from EGEE Storage Elements to a web server, to allow for better interactivity.

Created: 2009-05-23 | Last updated: 2009-05-23

Credits: User Glatard

Workflow inchi to Chebi (1)

This workflow converts an inchi string to a chebi id.

Created: 2009-05-22

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow GetReactions (1)

This workflow takes an arbitrary SBML model from the BioModels database and returns a list of reactions contained in that model.

Created: 2009-05-19 | Last updated: 2009-05-19

Credits: User Duncan Hull


Workflow simpleBLAST workflow (2)

my first taverna workflow

Created: 2009-05-13

Credits: User Shahid

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