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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Algorytmy k-Means i k-Medoids (1)

Przeplyw pokazuje zastosowanie algorytmow k-Means i k-Medoids do przeprowadzenia analizy skupien. Analizie podlega zbiór danych Iris, przy czym oryginalne dane zostaly przetransformowane z przestrzeni 4-wymiarowej do przestrzeni 2-wymiarowej za pomoca operatora Singular Value Decomposition. Redukcja liczby wymiarow ma na celu uproszczenie wizualizacji wynikowych modeli.

Created: 2011-05-11 | Last updated: 2013-08-19

Workflow Odkrywanie regul asocjacyjnych za pomoca a... (1)

Workflow pokazuje sposób wykorzystania operatorow Apriori i PredictiveApriori (z narzedzia Weka) do odkrywania regul‚ asocjacyjnych. Operator Set Role zostal wykorzystany do tego, aby atrybut Play (który w oryginale jest zmienna celu) byl potraktowany jak zwyczajny atrybut.

Created: 2011-03-31 | Last updated: 2013-05-30

Workflow BiomartAndEMBOSSDisease (4)

This workflow retrieves all genes on human chromosome 22 that are associated with a disease and aligns the upstream regions with mouse and rat homologues. The alignments are plotted and corresponding sequence ids are also returned. Using Biomart and EMBOSS soaplab services, This workflow retrieves a number of sequences from 3 species: mouse, human, rat; align them, and returns a plot of the alignment result. Corresponding sequence ids are also returned.

Created: 2011-01-27 | Last updated: 2012-09-04

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft User Alan Williams

Attributions: Workflow BiomartAndEMBOSSAnalysis

Workflow EMBL-EBI ClustalW2 (SOAP) (1)

Perform a ClustalW2 alignment using the EMBL-EBI’s ClustalW2 (SOAP) service (see

Created: 2010-12-06 | Last updated: 2013-03-28

Attributions: Workflow EBI_ClustalW2

Workflow A Basic example R workflow (3)

This workflow uses an R service running on localhost to calculate sin(0.45)

Created: 2010-11-26 | Last updated: 2014-08-20

Credits: User Alan Williams


Workflow genePattern data preprocessing (2)

preprocess data set using genePattern preProces service, the input should be in genePattern STATML format. Configuration parameters can be adjusted by changing the default preprocess data set using genePattern preProces service, the input should be in genePattern STATML format.preprocess data set using genePattern preProces service, the input should be in genePattern STATML format. Configuration parameters can be adjusted by changing the string constants.

Created: 2010-05-24 | Last updated: 2010-05-24

Credits: User Wei Tan

Workflow Keyword search against chEMBL (1)

By entergin a keyword to the query this SPARQL query will find targets related to that word. The keyword looks at the provided description about the protein for a match.

Created: 2010-03-24

Credits: User Annsofie Anderssson


Workflow KEGG pathway analysis (1)

The KEGG pathway analysis of the workflow takes a list of UniProt accession numbers in any of the following formats with the following prefixes: External database Database prefix ----------------- --------------- NCBI GI ncbi-gi: NCBI GeneID ncbi-geneid: GenBank genbank: UniGene unigene: UniProt uniprot: It performs this using the web service bconv, provided by the KEGG database (Kanehisa et al., 2010), described in the KEGG API available at:

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Kegg pathway diagrams (missing part 3) (2)

Find pathways in which all the genes in the list are involved. For each pathway draw the pathway diagram. Colour all enzyme boxes with colours specified. This workflow still has one problem. The list of colours have to be specified. I would like ideally to only except one background and one foreground colour and expand that to a list with length equivalent to the number of enzymes found - just duplicating the specified colours. However with almost no Taverna documentation to speak of, none of...

Created: 2010-03-19 | Last updated: 2010-03-19

Credits: User Gregg Iceton

Workflow Retrieve Genome Seqn using gi nos (1)

Retrieves the genome seqn for both the target and source strains using gi nos

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: User Ian Laycock Network-member nclteamc

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