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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow getFragWithClosure2 (2)

with parameters

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow querySWS_minimalQuery (2)

SRS by WS (SWS) is a set of Web Services allowing to retrieve database entries from libraries included in public SRS sites. The querySWS service implement a search on the basis of the database name (lib) and the term to be searched (query). It automatically identifies the best site to query. Additional parameters include in_fields (in which part of the record the terms are searched), out_fields (which information is returned) and site (the SRS site). This workflow is just a demonstration ...

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow Fetch Dragon images from BioMoby v2 (2)

demonstration to ISSGC07

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow Python script for face and smile detection (1)

The aim of this script was using OpenCV, to successfully detect faces and smiles from a batch of images.

Created: 2019-05-16 | Last updated: 2019-09-27

Credits: User George Kargas

Workflow Integrated workflow for MSA, Similarity sc... (3)

Integrated workflow for MSA, Similarity score estimation, and gaps trimming using Clustal Omega and web services at We demonstrate the workflow using example fasta seqs.

Created: 2016-02-28 | Last updated: 2017-08-16

Credits: User Kasikrit Damkliang

Project Biovel

Workflow Bioclim workflow (6)

This workflow takes as input a file containing species occurrence points to create a model with the openModeller Web Service using the Bioclim algorithm. Environmental layers and mask are selected during the workflow. Points are filtered so that only environmentally unique points are used to create the model. You can use this workflow to either filter a set of species occurrence points excluding redundant points with the same environmental conditions (you can get the result in the output "se...

Created: 2013-09-02 | Last updated: 2015-04-04

Credits: User Renato De Giovanni Network-member BioVeL

Workflow Explain concept scores (7)

Purpose of workflow: This workflow takes two concept ids as input and returns the top ranking "B" concepts according to Swanson's ABC model of discovery, where the relationships AB and BC are known and reported in the literature, and the implicit relationship AC is a putative new discovery. It might also be the case that AC is already known. In that case AC does not represent a new discovery but will still be returned (see workflow example values). The B concepts are returned sorted on the pe...

Created: 2012-02-07 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Reinout van Schouwen


Workflow RDKit-pains-parallel (2)

If you like this workflow, please reference our paper doi:10.1002/minf.201100076, and check the related workflows RDKit-pains, and Indigo-pains.*** Update 20151119 - using KNIME 3 and RDKit version of PAINS queries ****** This version contains Parallel processing nodes to take advantage of mutil-core processors ***Implementation of the PAINS filters[1] using the RDKit ( nodes in KNIME (3.0.1). Original PAINS filters were published in SLN format. This workflow contains the S...

Created: 2011-10-13 | Last updated: 2015-12-01

Credits: User sauberns

Attributions: Workflow RDKit-pains

Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST (4)

This workflow performs an NCBI blast at the EBI. It accepts a protein sequence as input. Default values have been set for the search database (Uniprot), the number of hits to return (10), and all scoring and matrix options. These can be changed in the workflow by altering the string constant values if required. This workflow uses the new EBI services. They are asynchronous and so require looping over the nested workflow (Status) until the workflow has finished. Many of the EBI services now wo...

Created: 2011-01-17 | Last updated: 2013-05-30

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft User Hamish McWilliam

Attributions: Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST


Workflow caDSR Data service query in caGrid (3)

This workflow is used as an example in this wiki article:   Tested with Taverna 2.1.2 as of 6/10/2010

Created: 2010-05-25 | Last updated: 2010-06-11

Credits: User Wei Tan

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