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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow two_station_RPlotter (1)

Comet workflow analyzes meteorological data coming from comet project ( The main analysis steps are: 1.Collect hourly humidity data in ten days from two weather stations 2.Aggregate the hourly data based on a group of time window and calculate basic statistic data, like min, max etc, for the data aggregated in each window. 3.Calculate statistics of growing degree day for data in each window 4.Draw time-based trend graph for analysis and...

Created: 2010-06-15 | Last updated: 2010-06-15

Credits: User Leidou


Workflow three_station_RPlotter (1)

Comet workflow analyzes meteorological data coming from comet project ( The main analysis steps are: 1.Collect hourly humidity data in ten days from three weather stations 2.Aggregate the hourly data based on a group of time window and calculate basic statistic data, like min, max etc, for the data aggregated in each window. 3.Calculate statistics of growing degree day for data in each window 4.Draw time-based trend graph for analysis a...

Created: 2010-06-15 | Last updated: 2010-06-15

Credits: User Leidou


Workflow one_station_SequencePlotter (1)

Comet workflow analyzes meteorological data coming from comet project ( The main analysis steps are: 1.Collect hourly humidity data in ten days from one weather station 2.Aggregate the hourly data based on a group of time window and calculate basic statistic data, like min, max etc, for the data aggregated in each window. 3.Calculate statistics of growing degree day for data in each window 4.Draw time-based trend graph for analysis...

Created: 2010-06-15 | Last updated: 2010-06-15

Credits: User Leidou


Workflow one_station_RPlotter (1)

The workflow analyzes meteorological data coming from comet project ( The main analysis steps are: 1. Collect hourly humidity data in ten days from one weather station 2. Aggregate the hourly data based on a group of time window and calculate basic statistic data, like min, max etc, for the data aggregated in each window. 3. Calculate statistics of growing degree day for data in each window 4. Draw time-based trend graph for analy...

Created: 2010-06-15 | Last updated: 2010-06-15

Credits: User Leidou


Workflow Function finding (1)

This process recursively generates new attributes by mathematically combining existing attributes with user selectable operators. At the end of each pass through the recursion attributes are thinned to prevent silicon smoke and unpleasantness. Sample input. P1    P2    A1    A2    RESULT 2       3      4      5      15 6     &...

Created: 2010-06-12 | Last updated: 2010-06-29


Workflow Nucleotide FASTA to PDB file. (1)

This workflow is designed to convert nucleotide fasta sequence to corresponding pdb file,which could be used for modelling. In this workflow nucleotide fasta sequence is given as input, eg. >gi|119889797|ref|XM_864887.2| PREDICTED: Bos taurus amylase, alpha 2A (pancreatic), transcript variant 2 (AMY2A), mRNA ATGAAGTTTTTTCTGTTGCTTTCAGCAATTGGGTTCTGCTGGGCTCAGTATGACCCACACGTCAAATCTG GACGGACCTCCATTGTCCATCTGTTTGAGTGGCGCTGGGTAGATATTGCTCTTGAATGTGAGCGATACTT AGCCCCCAAAGGATTTGGAGGGGTTCAGGTCTCCCCAC...

Created: 2010-06-11 | Last updated: 2010-06-11

Credits: User Prateek

Workflow Using HEK information to get DPAS data (1)

Query HEK for all kinds of events and query DPAS for given instrument for data from event times.

Created: 2010-06-10 | Last updated: 2010-06-10

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Same Number of Examples per Class (Stratif... (1)

This process can be used to sample examples from each class of the data set so that the number of examples per class is the same for all classes. The name of the label attribute is defined in the first "Set Macro" operator within the subprocess "Stratification". The result will be a stratified data set where each class is represented by the minimum number of examples for a single class minus 1 (due to calculation reasons in absolute sampling which is used here). The first two operators just...

Created: 2010-06-10

Workflow Execute Program on Windows 7 (1)

This simple process demonstrates how to execute a program on windows 7 even if the program path contains spaces. The process will start the Internet Explore if the path exists. Tags: Rapidminer, Execute Program, Windows 7

Created: 2010-06-09

Workflow Transform Attribute Names to lower Case (S... (1)

This process uses a Script operator which transforms the attribute names of the input example set into lower case.

Created: 2010-06-06

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