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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Extracting Quantities from HyperLEDA (1)

This workflow receives the name of the property to compare and a file with a list of names of galaxies. The property name must be the same used in the HTML file returned by the HyperLEDA service. The workflow calls to HyperLEda service, using as input the names of the galaxies in order to get a HTML file with information about each galaxy. From each HTML file, it extracts the value of the property selected by the user. The workflow uses a python tool to parse the HTML file (one for each gala...

Created: 2011-10-05 | Last updated: 2011-10-05

Workflow What's the Season? (1)

When given a list of astronomical object names, this workflow will check them against a simple Excel spreadsheet and return which season the object is best observed in. It will also compare the distances to the objects in a Google Charts bar chart. A later version of this may switch to a scatter plot, depending on whether or not this works with the Google Chart API. Running this workflow requires Python. Sys and string should be bundled in Python, but the numpy module will need to be downloa...

Created: 2011-10-05 | Last updated: 2011-10-05

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example


Workflow Extract Gene Sequence with Kepler (1)

This is a workflow which allows one to extract gene sequence information using the accession number as the input.  Multiple outputs include a file output of sequence header information, as well as one output window of base pair count, ratios and gene sequence.

Created: 2011-10-05 | Last updated: 2011-10-05

Credits: User Wdsnellg

Workflow Retrieve Molecular Interactions from PSICQ... (1)

Retrieve Molecular Interactions from PSICQUIC Services for a list of Protein Accessions in PSI-MITAB format

Created: 2011-10-05 | Last updated: 2011-10-05

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez


Workflow Comparing Quantities using HyperLEDA (1)

This workflow receives the name of the property to compare, a file with a list of names of galaxies, and a file with the list of original values of that property. The property name must be typed in the same way used in the HTML returned by HyperLEDA The workflow calls to HyperLEDA using the names of the galaxies as input, and it returns a HTML file with information about the galaxy. This file is parsed by the python tool "ExtractPropertyValues", that extracts the value of the property introdu...

Created: 2011-10-03

Workflow [untitled] (1)


Created: 2011-10-03 | Last updated: 2011-10-03

Credits: User Zhaoyingguang

Workflow Find Orthologs for proteins in Ensembl (1)

Find Orthologs for proteins in Ensembl using biomart.

Created: 2011-10-03 | Last updated: 2011-10-03

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow Biomart datasets for the Ensembl Genes mar... (1)

Retrieve Biomart datasets for the Ensembl Genes mart service (one dataset per specie).

Created: 2011-10-03

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez


Workflow Calculating galaxies distances using data ... (1)

This workflow needs two inputs: a file with the list of the names of galaxies whose distance are going to be calculated (name galaxy file), and a file with our values of velocity for each galaxy (local velocity file). This workflow is composed by 5 nested workflow. The first one is used to read line by line the name galaxy file. This list of names is the input for the following two nested workflows. One of them uses the line with the name of galaxy to call HyperLEDA and to extract the veloci...

Created: 2011-10-01 | Last updated: 2011-10-03


Workflow Fetch dinosaur comic (1)

This workflow fetches a comic from  

Created: 2011-09-28 | Last updated: 2011-09-28

Credits: User Chrisser

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