Find Orthologs for proteins in Ensembl
Created: 2011-10-03 14:33:04
Last updated: 2011-10-03 14:33:07
Find Orthologs for proteins in Ensembl using biomart.
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Workflow Components
![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Authors (1)
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Titles (1)
Find Orthologs for proteins in Ensembl |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Descriptions (1)
Find Orthologs for proteins in Ensembl using biomart. |
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Dependencies (0)
Inputs (4)
Name |
Description |
ensemblDataset |
Ensembl dataset name corresponding to the specie for protein ID. Look for Ensembl dataset names in
idReference |
The reference database for the protein ID. Three options: ensembl, swissprot or trembl
proteinId |
Protein identifier
orthologSpecie |
Chose in which specie you want to find the orthologs. i.e human, mouse, rabbit, yeast
Processors (1)
Name |
Type |
Description |
findOrthologs |
beanshell |
Scriptif ((proteinId == void) || (proteinId == null) || proteinId.equals("")) {
throw new RunTimeException("port proteinId must have a non-empty value");
if ((ensemblDataset == void) || (ensemblDataset == null) || ensemblDataset.equals("")) {
throw new RunTimeException("port ensemblDataset must have a non-empty value");
if((idReference == void) || (idReference == null) ||idReference.equals("")) {
throw new RunTimeException("port idReference must have a non-empty value");
if((orthologSpecie == void) || (orthologSpecie == null) ||orthologSpecie.equals("")) {
throw new RunTimeException("port orthologSpecie must have a correct or non-empty value");
String queryFormat = "CSV";
String queryFilter = "";
if(idReference.equalsIgnoreCase( "swissprot" )){
queryFilter = "uniprot_swissprot_accession";
} else if (idReference.equalsIgnoreCase( "trembl" )){
queryFilter = "uniprot_sptrembl";
} else if (idReference.equalsIgnoreCase( "ensembl" )) {
queryFilter = "ensembl_peptide_id";
} else {
throw new RunTimeException("port idReference must have a correct value");
// Biomart does not like encoded XML :-(
String queryXml = "" +
"%3C?xml%20version=%271.0%27%20encoding=%27UTF-8%27?%3E" +
"%3C!DOCTYPE%20Query%3E" +
"%3CQuery%20%20virtualSchemaName%20=%20%27default%27%20formatter%20=%20%27"+ queryFormat + "%27%20header%20=%20%270%27%20uniqueRows%20=%20%271%27%20count%20=%20%27%27%20datasetConfigVersion%20=%20%270.6%27%20%3E" +
"%3CDataset%20name%20=%20%27" + ensemblDataset.toLowerCase() + "%27%20interface%20=%20%27default%27%20%3E" +
"%3CFilter%20name%20=%20%27" + queryFilter + "%27%20value%20=%20%27" + proteinId + "%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27ensembl_peptide_id%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_homolog_ensembl_peptide%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_orthology_type%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_homolog_subtype%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_homolog_perc_id%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_homolog_perc_id_r1%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_homolog_ds%27%20/%3E" +
"%3CAttribute%20name%20=%20%27" + orthologSpecie.toLowerCase() + "_homolog_dn%27%20/%3E" +
"%3C/Dataset%3E" +
List esemblId = new ArrayList();
List orthologId = new ArrayList();
List orthologyType = new ArrayList();
List homologSubtype = new ArrayList();
List homologPercId = new ArrayList();
List homologPercIdR1 = new ArrayList();
List homologDs = new ArrayList();
List homologDn = new ArrayList();
List summary = new ArrayList();
URL url = new URL(queryXml);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
//read each line of text file
String line = null;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
if(line.length() > 1){
summary.add(proteinId + "," + line);
String[] st = line.split( "," );
for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) {
esemblId.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==1){
orthologId.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==2){
orthologyType.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==3){
homologSubtype.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==4){
homologPercId.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==5){
homologPercIdR1.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==6){
homologDs.add( st[i] );
} else if(i==7){
homologDn.add( st[i] );
} |
Beanshells (1)
Name |
Description |
Inputs |
Outputs |
findOrthologs |
Outputs (9)
Name |
Description |
esemblId |
summary |
orthologId |
homologDn |
homologDs |
homologPercId |
homologSubtype |
orthologyType |
homologPercIdR1 |
Datalinks (13)
Source |
Sink |
ensemblDataset |
findOrthologs:ensemblDataset |
idReference |
findOrthologs:idReference |
proteinId |
findOrthologs:proteinId |
orthologSpecie |
findOrthologs:orthologSpecie |
findOrthologs:esemblId |
esemblId |
findOrthologs:summary |
summary |
findOrthologs:orthologId |
orthologId |
findOrthologs:homologDn |
homologDn |
findOrthologs:homologDs |
homologDs |
findOrthologs:homologPercId |
homologPercId |
findOrthologs:homologSubtype |
homologSubtype |
findOrthologs:orthologyType |
orthologyType |
findOrthologs:homologPercIdR1 |
homologPercIdR1 |
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