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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Image QA (RAW/NonRAW, Ssim, Equals) (1)

Reads images either by reading the file directly or using dcraw depending on the image mimetype. Then runs QA algorithms to compare the images.

Created: 2012-02-27 | Last updated: 2012-02-27

Credits: User Markus Plangg

Workflow Image QA - Read image (RAW/NonRAW) (1)

Reads an image for evaluation. How the file is read depends on the image type (RAW, NonRAW) of the current image and the image to compare with.

Created: 2012-02-27 | Last updated: 2012-02-27

Credits: User Markus Plangg

Workflow Propagation of CME from the Sun (1)

Uses the processing service to calculate the objects (planets and observatories) which a CME might hit. Required longitude input is the longitude of the associated flare event.

Created: 2012-02-27 | Last updated: 2012-02-27

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow VAMDC VALD query with SME processing (2)

VAMDC workflow that queries the VALD Atomic database in Moscow and runs SME (Spectroscopy Made Easy) VAMDC Taverna Plugin:

Created: 2012-02-24 | Last updated: 2012-09-12

Workflow CME backwards propagation (1)

Workflow propagates an CME event from its observing point (planet/spacecraft) back to the sun. The propagation also provides the timing of this event at other points in space (planet/spacecraft)

Created: 2012-02-23 | Last updated: 2012-02-23

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particl... (1)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start from the hit object hit_object where was the SEP event observed speed of the solar wind error value of solar wind speed beta traveling speed of energetic particals as percentage of the speed of light

Created: 2012-02-22 | Last updated: 2012-02-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Find protein identifications in PRIDE (2)

Find protein identifications information in the PRIDE database using a protein accession as input.

Created: 2012-02-21 | Last updated: 2012-02-22

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow RAWverna Image Evaluator - Evaluate relative (1)

Takes two images as byte array and compares them using the RAWverna Image Evaluator.

Created: 2012-02-21 | Last updated: 2012-02-21

Credits: User Markus Plangg

Workflow RAWverna Image Evaluator - Evaluate Equals (1)

Takes two images as byte array and compares them for equality using the RAWverna Image Evaluator.

Created: 2012-02-21 | Last updated: 2012-02-21

Credits: User Markus Plangg

Workflow RAWverna image evaluation - Read images (RAW) (1)

Reads RAW images for evaluation by RAWverna.

Created: 2012-02-21

Credits: User Markus Plangg

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