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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Retrieve_bio_documents (2)

This workflow retrieves relevant documents, based on a query optimized by adding a string to the original query that will rank the search output according to the most recent years. The added string adds years with priorities (most recent is highest); it starts at 2007.

Created: 2007-12-10 | Last updated: 2007-12-10

Credits: User Marco Roos User Edgar Network-member AID

Workflow CloneItemsInList (1)

Utility workflow that clones an item copy_number times. You can use this to work around standard iteration strategies, e.g. in combination with the CountListItems workflow. Workflow examples: TestIterationStrategy_withClones. For an alternative approach see TestIterationStrategy_withNesting. Example I/O: input: A copy_number: 3 result: [A,A,A] input: [A,B,C] copy_number: 3 result: [[A,A,A][B,B,B][C,C,C]] input: [A,B,C] copy_number: [3,2] result: [[[A,A,A],[A,A]][[B,B,B],[B,B]],[[C,C,C],...

Created: 2007-11-29

Credits: User Marco Roos


Workflow Fetch Dragon images from BioMoby v2 (3)

Use the local java plugins and some filtering operations to fetch the comic strip image from

Created: 2007-11-29 | Last updated: 2007-11-29

Credits: User Yuwei Lin User David De Roure User Jiten Bhagat

Workflow 1 (2)

Trivial workflow which will initially fail, retry twice then fall over to the alternative specified for the FailingThing process.

Created: 2007-11-06 | Last updated: 2007-11-20

Credits: User Antoon Goderis User Carole Goble User A. Random Scientist Network-member try it out


Workflow Remove duplicate strings (2)

This workflow takes in two list of strings and then concatenates them together. Any duplicates that are present are then removed, and the resulting file is returned back to the user.

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2007-11-13

Workflow Cow-Human Ortholog Pathways and Gene annot... (2)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the cow, Bos taurus. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. As the Cow genome is currently unfinished, the workflow subsequently maps the cow ensembl gene ids to human orthologues. Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then identified...

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2009-12-03


Workflow RetroPath2.0-Mods-metabolomics (2)

Set of workflows for the "Metabolome completion and metabolomics" use case:1) Produces a list of molecules using a user defined set of rules (RetroPath2.0 workflow).2) Takes as input the products generated by RetroPath2.0 and prepare the files to be read by OpenMS nodes.3) The last workflow finally searches for each produced compound the corresponding peak in some MS spectra.See [1] for details. How to useSee instructions embedded in the workflow.Usage specificationsThe workflo...

Created: 2017-06-30 | Last updated: 2018-11-14

Credits: User Thomas Duigou Network-member BioRetroSynth

Attributions: Workflow RetroPath2.0 - a retrosynthesis workflow with tutorial and example data


Workflow User friendly data mining (7)

This scienti fic workflow was designed for the novice data miners to learn how mining algorithms behave when applied on their datasets. The workflow is the responsible for invoking the mining recommender, as well as using the datasets required by the user, thus returning the ranking of algorithms according to the design criteria of the recommender. 

Created: 2013-10-03 | Last updated: 2019-01-08

Credits: User respinosa

Workflow Visualize Molecules from DBPedia as Molecu... (3)

Downloads entries from DBPedia which have a SMILES and creates a molecule table with 2D structures of the hits found with SPARQL.

Created: 2010-03-14

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Get pathways by external reference (3)

Finds pathways on WikiPathways by an external gene/protein/metabolite reference. See for a list of supported database systems.

Created: 2010-01-13

Credits: User Thomaskelder

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