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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow caArray data retrieving (1)

Query all the gene expression data in a caArray experiment. Returns a evenly divided gene expression data set with corresponding class information. They ca be later used as training and test data set in many classification algorithms.Query all the gene expression data in a caArray experiment. Returns a evenly divided gene expression data set with corresponding class information. They can be later used as training and test data set in many classification algorithms.

Created: 2009-11-23

Credits: User Wei Tan

Workflow Search for BMURI in PubMed [myexperiment:p... (1)

test values: subkecttest values: query = bio2rdf graph = http://bio2rdf query = nur77 AND Rouillard,C graph = http://nur77 test values: query = bio2rdf graph = http://bio2rdf query = nur77 AND Rouillard,C graph = http://nur77 query = labrie graph = http://labrie

Created: 2009-11-17

Credits: User Francois Belleau


Workflow Multiple Choice Quiz (1)

A multiple choice quiz constructed using the select webservice, control links and looping strategy.

Created: 2009-11-16

Credits: User George


Workflow workflow1 (1)

blast dando o ID de uma proteinablast dando o ID de uma proteina ex: database is ‘SWISS’, for program, ‘blastp’, and for ID ‘1220173blast dando o ID de uma proteina ex: database is SWISS’, for program, blastp, and for ID 1220173

Created: 2009-11-16

Credits: User Susaninha

Workflow getTimololFromMassBank (1)

This workflow will retrieve a peaklist from a fixed entry (Timolol) from the MassBank spectral library. Note, the API is still in alpha, as of 10.11.2009.  

Created: 2009-11-10 | Last updated: 2009-11-10

Credits: User

Workflow Determine the Maximum Common SubStructure ... (1)

BSL script to determine the maximum common substructure (MCSS) of a list of molecules and opens this in a JChemPaint editor.

Created: 2009-10-23

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Search GeNS Organism (1)

 This workflow returns a GeNS identifier for a given organism.    Disclaimer: This workflow is just a simple example designed for academic purposes.

Created: 2009-09-15

Credits: User Pedro Lopes

Workflow EBI_InterProScan_T2 (1)

Perform an InterProScan analysis of a protein sequence using the EBI’s WSInterProScan service (see The input sequence to use and the user e-mail address are inputs, the other parameters for the analysis (see Job_params) are allowed to default. InterProScan searches a protein sequence against the protein family and domain signature databases integrated into InterPro (see A set of matches to the s...

Created: 2009-09-11

Credits: User Steve Crouch User Stian Soiland-Reyes


Workflow Workflow for provenance testing -- example 1 (1)

this simply includes a few beanshells and is used for testing our provenance capture and query algorithms

Created: 2009-09-10

Credits: User Paolo

Workflow Get Bioentity from Organism (1)

GeNS workflow that lists the identifiers corresponding to a given species and data type. For instance, list all OMIM associated with the human species. Disclaimer: This workflow is just a simple example designed for academic purposes.

Created: 2009-09-08 | Last updated: 2009-09-14

Credits: User Pedro Lopes

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