
Created: 2013-01-28 09:02:03      Last updated: 2013-03-11 15:26:43

This workflow accepts a ClustalW protein sequence alignment and produces a phylogenetic tree, using the EBI clustalw_phylogeny web service, which implements phylip.

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  • Monday 11 March 2013 15:29:15 (UTC)

    Very nice and clearly documented workflow. I managed to generate a tree in Phylip. However, the MEGA format converter requires more information I think. Perhaps it would also be possible to draw the tree directly in the workflow, for instance using R-Phylo ( in an Rshell component?

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Created: 2013-10-16

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes User Katy Wolstencroft

Attributions: Workflow Blast_Align_and_Tree