Finding the origins of Solar Wind events at Earth

Created: 2012-11-16 12:51:59      Last updated: 2013-03-21 12:26:41

This gives a comprenhensive overview of high speed solar wind events (CME or CIR) seen at Eart, by obtaining the maximum in-situ measure velocity from the data evaluation service (DES), propagating the even backwards to Earth using the HELIO processing service (HPS) and SHEBA propagation model, and search whether halo CMEs or CHs were observed on that time, and retrieves, besides all the previous information, a context solar wind plot (+/- 1 day) and a URL linking to a context movie for CMEs or map from the HELIO feature catalogue (HFC) for CHs.

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1. -, -, 02 November 2012, Accessed at: 01 July 2013

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3463?size=60x60 Gab

Workflow When do the Fastest type II CME should be ... (1)

The fastest CME is found from an interval of time, and propagated to Earth, in two steps, first to obtain the Solar wind speed at Earth and then propagated again with a more reasonable CME speed. The output produces Min-Max ETAs for each object in the heliosphere and the plots of the final propagation model. This Workflow was produced as one of the challenges in the HELIO CDAW-IV hosted at TCD

Created: 2013-03-21

Credits: User Gab User Anja Le Blanc User David PS

Attributions: Workflow When did the fastest type II CME happened?


Workflow Propagation of type II associated CME usin... (3)

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Created: 2014-02-11 | Last updated: 2014-02-17

Credits: User Eoincar User Anja Le Blanc User David PS Network-member HELIO

Attributions: Workflow When did the fastest type II CME happened?