Define Associated Regions and Genes
Defines regions and genes from associated SNPs
A JAVA MySQL connector is required to run the workflow and must be placed in the $TAVERNA_HOME/lib directory.
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Workflow Components
![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Paul Martin |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Define Associated Regions and Genes |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Defines regions and genes from associated SNPs |
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Name | Description |
parameters | Parameter XML Document |
Name | Type | Description |
parseParameters | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.Element; import; String getParameter(Element root, String parameterName) { List nodeList = root.selectNodes("Parameter[@name='" + parameterName + "']"); if (nodeList.size() == 1) { Node parameterNode = (Node) nodeList.get(0); String parameter = ""; if (parameterNode.isTextOnly()) parameter = parameterNode.getText(); else { List paramElements = parameterNode.elements(); for (int i = 0; i < paramElements.size(); i++) { parameter += ((Element) paramElements.get(i)).asXML(); } } if (parameter == null || parameter.equals("")) return null; else return parameter; } else if (nodeList.size() > 1) { throw new Exception("Multiple parameters matching " + parameterName + "!"); } return null; } SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); Document document = StringReader(paramXML)); Element root = document.getRootElement(); // Set parameter defaults. flankingKB = "250"; hapmapPlugin = "LDPhase3Dumper"; hapmapPopulation = "CEU"; hapmapVersion = "hapmap27_B36"; hapmapBuild = "36"; hapmapBaseURL = ""; rsqCutoff = "0.5"; associatedSNPs = new ArrayList(); baseUrl = ""; // Get parameters from XML. String paramTmp; // flankingKB. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "flankingKB")) != null) flankingKB = paramTmp; // hapmapPlugin. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "hapmapPlugin")) != null) hapmapPlugin = paramTmp; // hapmapPopulation. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "hapmapPopulation")) != null) hapmapPopulation = paramTmp; // hapmapVersion. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "hapmapVersion")) != null) { hapmapVersion = paramTmp; // hapmapBuild. paramTmp = getParameter(root, "hapmapBuild"); if (paramTmp == null && ! hapmapVersion.equals("hapmap27_B36")) { // Get hapmapBuild from version; int index = hapmapVersion.indexOf("B"); hapmapBuild = hapmapVersion.substring(index + 1); } else hapmapBuild = paramTmp; } // hapmapBaseURL. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "hapmapBaseURL")) != null) hapmapBaseURL = paramTmp; // rsqCutoff. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "rsqCutoff")) != null) rsqCutoff = paramTmp; // associatedSNPs. if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "associatedSNPs")) != null) { Document assocSnpDoc = StringReader(paramTmp)); List nodeList = assocSnpDoc.selectNodes(xpath); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) { Node node = (Node) nodeList.get(i); String xmlVal = node.asXML(); if (xmlVal != null && ! xmlVal.equals("")) associatedSNPs.add(xmlVal); } } if ((paramTmp = getParameter(root, "alternateGeneServer")) != null) { if (! paramTmp.equals("") && ! paramTmp.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) baseUrl = ""; } |
associatedSnpXpath | stringconstant |
Value*/AssociatedSNP |
get_SNPs | workflow | |
makeLiftOverParamsDbSnpToHapMap | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMDocument; import org.dom4j.Document; import; // Initialise Reader for associatedSNP XML. SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Make new document. Document doc = new DOMDocument(); // Add root element. Element rootElement = doc.addElement("Parameters"); // Add associatedSNP. Document assocSNP = StringReader(associatedSNP)); Element assocSNPRoot = assocSNP.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "xmlIn") .add(assocSNPRoot); // Add chainXML. //Document chainDoc = StringReader(chainXML)); //Element chainRoot = chainDoc.getRootElement(); //rootElement.addElement("Parameter") // .addAttribute("name", "chainXML") // .add(chainRoot); // Add fromBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "fromBuild") .addText(fromBuild); // Add toBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "toBuild") .addText(toBuild); // Add rootNode. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "rootNode") .addText("SnpRegion"); xmlParams = doc.asXML(); |
dbSnpToHapMapChain | workflow | |
liftoverdbSnpToHapMap | workflow | |
unifyHapmapBuild | workflow | |
addLDRegion | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.Element; import; // Initialise Reader SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Read document. Document snpDoc = StringReader(associatedSNP)); Element root = snpDoc.getRootElement(); // Get SnpInfo Node. Node snpInfoNode = root.selectSingleNode("SnpInfo"); if (snpInfoNode == null) { // Non dbSNP snp. associatedSNPOut = associatedSNP; return; } // Get rsId and isHapMap attribute. String rsId = snpInfoNode.attributeValue("rsId"); if (! rsId.startsWith("rs")) rsId = "rs" + rsId; boolean isHapMap = Boolean.parseBoolean(snpInfoNode.attributeValue("isHapMap")); // Check population and flanking. if (pop.equals("")) pop = "CEU"; int flanking = Integer.parseInt(flankingKB); if (flanking == 0) flanking = 500; flanking *= 1000; // Cycle through SnpRegion Nodes, adding LDRegion // and, where necessary, HapMap parameter information. List snpRegionNodes = root.selectNodes("SnpRegion"); for (int i = 0; i < snpRegionNodes.size(); i++) { Node snpRegionNode = (Node) snpRegionNodes.get(i); String id = snpRegionNode.attributeValue("id"); Node locationNode = snpRegionNode.selectSingleNode("Location[@ucscBuild='" + hapmapBuild + "']"); if (locationNode == null) continue; // Get Location info. String chr = locationNode.attributeValue("chromosome"); if (! chr.startsWith("chr")) chr = "chr" + chr; int start = Integer.parseInt(locationNode.attributeValue("start")); int end = Integer.parseInt(locationNode.attributeValue("end")); // Add LDRegion Node. Element ldRegion = root.addElement("LDRegion") .addAttribute("snpPosition", start + ".." + end) .addAttribute("id", id); // Add Location Node. ldRegion.addElement("Location") .addAttribute("chromosome", chr) .addAttribute("start", "" + start) .addAttribute("end", "" + end) .addAttribute("ucscBuild", hapmapBuild); // Add Snps & Location. for (int j = 5; j > 2; j -= 2) { Element snp = ldRegion.addElement("Snp" + j) .addAttribute("rsId", rsId) .addAttribute("rsq", "1") .addAttribute("isAssocSNP", "true"); snp.addElement("Location") .addAttribute("chromosome", chr) .addAttribute("start", "" + start) .addAttribute("end", "" + end) .addAttribute("ucscBuild", hapmapBuild); } // Add HapMap params if necessary. if (isHapMap) { start = start - flanking < 1 ? 1 : start - flanking; end = end + flanking; ldRegion.addElement("HapMap") .addAttribute("params", "name=" + chr + ":" + start + ".." + end + ";plugin=" + plugin + ";" + plugin + ".pop_code=" + pop + ";plugin_config=1;plugin_action=Go") .addAttribute("version", hapmapVersion) .addAttribute("isProcessed", "false"); } } associatedSNPOut = snpDoc.asXML(); |
defineLDRegion | workflow | |
hotspotBuild | stringconstant |
Valuehg17 |
HapMapToHotspotChain | workflow | |
makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToHotspot | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMDocument; import org.dom4j.Document; import; // Initialise Reader for associatedSNP XML. SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Make new document. Document doc = new DOMDocument(); // Add root element. Element rootElement = doc.addElement("Parameters"); // Add associatedSNP. Document assocSNP = StringReader(associatedSNP)); Element assocSNPRoot = assocSNP.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "xmlIn") .add(assocSNPRoot); // Add chainXML. //Document chainDoc = StringReader(chainXML)); //Element chainRoot = chainDoc.getRootElement(); //rootElement.addElement("Parameter") // .addAttribute("name", "chainXML") // .add(chainRoot); // Add fromBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "fromBuild") .addText(fromBuild); // Add toBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "toBuild") .addText(toBuild); // Add rootNode. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "rootNode") .addText("LDRegion"); xmlParams = doc.asXML(); |
liftoverHapMapToHotspot | workflow | |
getHotspotRegions | workflow | |
HotspotToHg18Chain | workflow | |
hg18 | stringconstant |
Valuehg18 |
HotspotToEnsemblChain | workflow | |
makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToHg18 | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMDocument; import org.dom4j.Document; import; // Initialise Reader for associatedSNP XML. SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Make new document. Document doc = new DOMDocument(); // Add root element. Element rootElement = doc.addElement("Parameters"); // Add associatedSNP. Document assocSNP = StringReader(associatedSNP)); Element assocSNPRoot = assocSNP.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "xmlIn") .add(assocSNPRoot); // Add chainXML. //Document chainDoc = StringReader(chainXML)); //Element chainRoot = chainDoc.getRootElement(); //rootElement.addElement("Parameter") // .addAttribute("name", "chainXML") // .add(chainRoot); // Add fromBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "fromBuild") .addText(fromBuild); // Add toBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "toBuild") .addText(toBuild); // Add rootNode. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "rootNode") .addText("AssociatedRegion"); xmlParams = doc.asXML(); |
liftoverHotspotToHg18 | workflow | |
makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToEnsembl | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMDocument; import org.dom4j.Document; import; // Initialise Reader for associatedSNP XML. SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Make new document. Document doc = new DOMDocument(); // Add root element. Element rootElement = doc.addElement("Parameters"); // Add associatedSNP. Document assocSNP = StringReader(associatedSNP)); Element assocSNPRoot = assocSNP.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "xmlIn") .add(assocSNPRoot); // Add chainXML. //Document chainDoc = StringReader(chainXML)); //Element chainRoot = chainDoc.getRootElement(); //rootElement.addElement("Parameter") // .addAttribute("name", "chainXML") // .add(chainRoot); // Add fromBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "fromBuild") .addText(fromBuild); // Add toBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "toBuild") .addText(toBuild); // Add rootNode. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "rootNode") .addText("AssociatedRegion"); xmlParams = doc.asXML(); |
liftoverHotspotToEnsembl | workflow | |
getEnsemblBiomartBuild | workflow | |
getAssociatedGenes | workflow | |
mergeResults | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMDocument; import org.dom4j.Document; import; // Initialise Reader for associatedSNP XML. SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Make new document. Document doc = new DOMDocument(); // Add root element. Element rootElement = doc.addElement("AssociatedSNPs"); for (int i = 0; i < xmlResults.size(); i++) { String xmlResult = (String) xmlResults.get(i); if (xmlResult == null || xmlResult.equals("")) continue; Document assocSNPDoc = StringReader(xmlResult)); Element assocSNPRoot = assocSNPDoc.getRootElement(); rootElement.add(assocSNPRoot.detach()); } mergedResults = doc.asXML(); |
makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToEnsembl | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.dom.DOMDocument; import org.dom4j.Document; import; // Initialise Reader for associatedSNP XML. SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(false); reader.setIncludeInternalDTDDeclarations(false); reader.setIncludeExternalDTDDeclarations(false); // Make new document. Document doc = new DOMDocument(); // Add root element. Element rootElement = doc.addElement("Parameters"); // Add associatedSNP. Document assocSNP = StringReader(associatedSNP)); Element assocSNPRoot = assocSNP.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "xmlIn") .add(assocSNPRoot); // Add chainXML. //Document chainDoc = StringReader(chainXML)); //Element chainRoot = chainDoc.getRootElement(); //rootElement.addElement("Parameter") // .addAttribute("name", "chainXML") // .add(chainRoot); // Add fromBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "fromBuild") .addText(fromBuild); // Add toBuild. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "toBuild") .addText(toBuild); // Add rootNode. rootElement.addElement("Parameter") .addAttribute("name", "rootNode") .addText("LDRegion"); xmlParams = doc.asXML(); |
liftoverHapMapToEnsembl | workflow | |
HapMapToEnsemblChain | workflow | |
getEnsemblInfo | workflow |
Name | Description | Inputs | Outputs |
parseParameters |
paramXML xpath |
flankingKB hapmapPlugin hapmapPopulation hapmapVersion hapmapBaseURL rsqCutoff associatedSNPs hapmapBuild baseUrl |
makeLiftOverParamsDbSnpToHapMap |
fromBuild toBuild associatedSNP |
xmlParams | |
addLDRegion |
associatedSNP hapmapBuild pop flankingKB plugin hapmapVersion |
associatedSNPOut | |
makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToHotspot |
fromBuild toBuild associatedSNP |
xmlParams | |
makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToHg18 |
fromBuild toBuild associatedSNP |
xmlParams | |
makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToEnsembl |
fromBuild toBuild associatedSNP |
xmlParams | |
mergeResults | xmlResults | mergedResults | |
makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToEnsembl |
fromBuild toBuild associatedSNP |
xmlParams | |
buildXMLQueries |
rsIds virtualSchema dataset |
xmlQueries | |
unifyBuild | buildIn |
ncbiBuildOut errorString ucscBuildOut |
buildXMLQueries |
virtualSchema dataset queries |
xmlQueries | |
unifyBuild | buildIn |
ncbiBuildOut errorString ucscBuildOut |
parseHapMapData |
assocSNP rsqCutoffString |
assocSNPout | |
getEnsemblInfo |
registryXML baseUrl |
schemaOut | |
getDataset | datasets | dataset | |
finishDatasetUrl | baseUrl | url | |
getChainUrls |
urlTemplate fromBuild toBuild |
chainUrls chainConversions |
getChainXml |
chainUrls chainConversions fromBuild toBuild |
chainXml | |
getHumanBuildFromDatasets | biomartResponse | ncbiBuild | |
liftOver |
xmlIn contiguous minMatch chainXmlString nodesToConvert |
xmlOut | |
liftOver |
xmlIn contiguous minMatch chainXmlString nodesToConvert |
xmlOut | |
liftOver |
xmlIn contiguous minMatch chainXmlString nodesToConvert |
xmlOut | |
getAssociatedRegionLocations |
associatedXML ensemblBiomartBuild |
queries | |
createGeneXML |
ensemblBiomartBuild biomartResultsArray |
geneXML | |
addGenesToAssociatedXML |
associatedXmlIn geneXML ensemblBiomartBuild |
associatedXmlOut | |
Create_and_populate_XML_file | content | filePath | |
mergeXML |
dbSNP snpXML |
xmlOut rsIds |
addHapMapAttribute |
snpXML hapmapSNPs |
snpXMLOut dbSnpBuild |
createRsXsl | filePath | ||
liftOver |
xmlIn contiguous minMatch chainXmlString nodesToConvert |
xmlOut |
Name | Description |
associatedRegionsXML | Output XML Document |
Source | Sink |
associatedSnpXpath:value | parseParameters:xpath |
parameters | parseParameters:paramXML |
parseParameters:associatedSNPs | get_SNPs:SNPList |
get_SNPs:output | makeLiftOverParamsDbSnpToHapMap:associatedSNP |
get_SNPs:build | makeLiftOverParamsDbSnpToHapMap:fromBuild |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | makeLiftOverParamsDbSnpToHapMap:toBuild |
get_SNPs:build | dbSnpToHapMapChain:fromBuild |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | dbSnpToHapMapChain:toBuild |
makeLiftOverParamsDbSnpToHapMap:xmlParams | liftoverdbSnpToHapMap:parameters |
dbSnpToHapMapChain:chainXML | liftoverdbSnpToHapMap:chainXML |
parseParameters:hapmapBuild | unifyHapmapBuild:buildIn |
liftoverdbSnpToHapMap:xmlOut | addLDRegion:associatedSNP |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | addLDRegion:hapmapBuild |
parseParameters:flankingKB | addLDRegion:flankingKB |
parseParameters:hapmapPopulation | addLDRegion:pop |
parseParameters:hapmapVersion | addLDRegion:hapmapVersion |
parseParameters:hapmapPlugin | addLDRegion:plugin |
addLDRegion:associatedSNPOut | defineLDRegion:associatedSNP |
parseParameters:hapmapBaseURL | defineLDRegion:baseURL |
parseParameters:rsqCutoff | defineLDRegion:rsqCutoff |
hotspotBuild:value | HapMapToHotspotChain:toBuild |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | HapMapToHotspotChain:fromBuild |
hotspotBuild:value | makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToHotspot:toBuild |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToHotspot:fromBuild |
defineLDRegion:AssociatedSNPOut | makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToHotspot:associatedSNP |
makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToHotspot:xmlParams | liftoverHapMapToHotspot:parameters |
HapMapToHotspotChain:chainXML | liftoverHapMapToHotspot:chainXML |
liftoverHapMapToEnsembl:xmlOut | getHotspotRegions:associatedSnp |
hotspotBuild:value | HotspotToHg18Chain:fromBuild |
hg18:value | HotspotToHg18Chain:toBuild |
hotspotBuild:value | HotspotToEnsemblChain:fromBuild |
getEnsemblBiomartBuild:ucscBuild | HotspotToEnsemblChain:toBuild |
getHotspotRegions:out | makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToHg18:associatedSNP |
hg18:value | makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToHg18:toBuild |
hotspotBuild:value | makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToHg18:fromBuild |
makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToHg18:xmlParams | liftoverHotspotToHg18:parameters |
HotspotToHg18Chain:chainXML | liftoverHotspotToHg18:chainXML |
hotspotBuild:value | makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToEnsembl:fromBuild |
liftoverHotspotToHg18:xmlOut | makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToEnsembl:associatedSNP |
getEnsemblBiomartBuild:ucscBuild | makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToEnsembl:toBuild |
HotspotToEnsemblChain:chainXML | liftoverHotspotToEnsembl:chainXML |
makeLiftOverParamsHotspotToEnsembl:xmlParams | liftoverHotspotToEnsembl:parameters |
getEnsemblBiomartBuild:ucscBuild | getAssociatedGenes:ensemblBiomartBuild |
liftoverHotspotToEnsembl:xmlOut | getAssociatedGenes:AssociatedXML |
getEnsemblInfo:dataset | getAssociatedGenes:dataset |
getEnsemblInfo:schema | getAssociatedGenes:virtualSchema |
parseParameters:baseUrl | getAssociatedGenes:baseUrl |
getAssociatedGenes:AssociatedXmlOutput | mergeResults:xmlResults |
getEnsemblBiomartBuild:ucscBuild | makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToEnsembl:toBuild |
liftoverHapMapToHotspot:xmlOut | makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToEnsembl:associatedSNP |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToEnsembl:fromBuild |
makeLiftOverParamsHapMapToEnsembl:xmlParams | liftoverHapMapToEnsembl:parameters |
HapMapToEnsemblChain:chainXML | liftoverHapMapToEnsembl:chainXML |
getEnsemblBiomartBuild:ucscBuild | HapMapToEnsemblChain:toBuild |
unifyHapmapBuild:ucscBuildOut | HapMapToEnsemblChain:fromBuild |
parseParameters:baseUrl | getEnsemblInfo:baseUrl |
mergeResults:mergedResults | associatedRegionsXML |
Workflow Type
Version 2 (latest)
(of 2)
- association
- |
- disease
- |
- disease-associated genes
- |
- ensembl
- |
- gene
- |
- genes
- |
- genome wide association studies
- |
- gwas
- |
- mapping
- |
- ncbi
- |
- ngs
- |
- sequencing
- |
- snp
- |
- ucsc
- association
- |
- disease
- |
- disease-associated genes
- |
- ensembl
- |
- gene
- |
- genes
- |
- genome wide association studies
- |
- gwas
- |
- mapping
- |
- ncbi
- |
- ngs
- |
- sequencing
- |
- snp
- |
- ucsc
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In chronological order:
Created by Paul martin on Wednesday 08 February 2012 16:08:08 (UTC)
Last edited by Paul martin on Tuesday 14 February 2012 11:32:10 (UTC)
Created by Paul martin on Monday 19 March 2012 11:34:00 (UTC)
Last edited by Paul martin on Wednesday 09 May 2012 09:52:13 (UTC)
Revision comment:Added additional attributes.
Fixed problem with unrecognised SNPs
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