
Created: 2011-11-27 12:44:23      Last updated: 2011-11-29 15:34:08

This workflow uses GBIF to search and report species occurrence data and then displays them on Google Earth. An interactive step then allows you to alter the co-ordinates of data displayed.

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  • Thursday 07 June 2012 10:35:27 (UTC)

    If you are a Windows user, the Google Earth command parameter for the Show in Google Earth service is:

    c:\\\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /c

    You will also need to set the explicit location for invoking the tool to "default local". You can do this in Taverna Workbench by selecting the Show in Google Earth service in the Workflow Explorer panel; then go to the Details panel and choose "Configure Tool Invocation" and then go to the Location tab and "select an explicit location" From the drop-down menu, choose "default local".

    Make sure you have Google Earth installed!


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