optionList |
List of plot options in the pseudo-Mathematica rules format, i.e.
OptionName -> OptionValue
List will be converted to appropriate XML format. Allowed option value types are number, string, Mathematica symbol or heterogeneous list of any of those types . These are represented as:
{ el1, el2, ... }
repectively, i.e. text containing '.' character is treated as a number (e.g. '1.', '2.5', etc.), quoted text is interpreted as a string, plain text w/o '.' character is interpreted as a Mathematica symbol and curly brackets delimit list, which elements are comma-separated. ATTENTION: comas and quotes inside of the string must be escaped with backslash (i.e. "\," or "\""); you can also escape curly brackets for consistency but it's not mandatory.
Among available options are any of Mathematica options aceptable by the:
* ListPlot (http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/ListPlot.html),
* ListPlot3D (http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/ListPlot3D.html), and
* Legend (http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/PlotLegends/ref/Legend.html)
functions options, except of the PlotStyle option.
PlotStyle option is constructed from the following convenience options (default values in brackets):
* MarkerColor (-> Automatic): color for points markers and, if no ColorFunction given, also color for lines (2D) or surfaces (3D); this can be either pre-defined Mathematica color symbol or RGB values list,
* OpacityLevel (-> 1.): opacity level if lines and surfaces (parameter for Mathematica Opacity function),
* ThicknessLevel (-> 5.): thickness of 2D plot lines (1000 times parameter value for Mathematica Thickness function),
* DashingType (-> Infinity): type of 2D plot lines (either pre-defined: Dashed, Dotted, DotDashed or parameter for Mathematica Dashing function).
Other, notable options are:
* PlotLabel (-> None): title of the plot,
* AxesLabel (by default axes names): axes labels,
* LabelStyle (-> Bold): axes labels boldness,
* PlotLegend (by default list with data series name attributes if given): data series names in legend,
* LegendSize (-> Automatic), LegendPosition (-> {1.1, -0.25}), LegendTextSpace (-> Automatic [2D], -> 5 [3D]): legend size, position, and text space respectively,
* Joined (-> True [2D]): flag indicating wether to join markers (plot lines) in the 2D plot,
* PlotMarkers (-> {Automatic, Small} [2D]): what markers to draw at the points plotted, e.g. None,
* ColorFunction (-> None [2D], -> "TemperatureMap" [3D]): coloring scheme (name from the Mathematica ColorData) of lines (2D) or surfaces (3D); if not None, overrides MarkerColor option,
* Mesh (-> None [3D]): additional mesh specification on the surface; mesh is drawn on each of the surfaces and is always depicted as black lines,
* ViewPoint (-> {1, -2, 1.3} [3D]): specification of the 3D plot orientation,
* PlotRange (-> Full): specification of the visible plot range.
Example value (3D plot with three data series):
AxesLabel -> { "t [s]", "u(0)", "f(t\, u(0))" }
PlotLabel -> "Function f of time t and initial condition u(0) for multiplier 1/2, 1, and 2."
PlotLegend -> None
MarkerColor -> { Gray, Red, {0.5,0.5,0.5} }
Mesh -> All
OpacityLevel -> { 0.2, 1., 0.2 } |
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