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KEGG pathways common to both QTL and microarray based investigations

Created: 2009-11-24 17:14:43      Last updated: 2009-12-03 15:28:49

This workflow takes in two lists of KEGG pathway ids. These are designed to come from pathways found from genes in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region, and from pathways found from genes differentially expressed in a microarray study. By identifying the intersecting pathways from both studies, a more informative picture is obtained of the candidate processes involved in the expression of a phenotype

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Citations (1)

1. Fisher P, Hedeler C, Wolstencroft K, Hulme H, Noyes H, Kemp S, Stevens R, Brass A, A systematic strategy for large-scale analysis of genotype phenotype correlations: identification of candidate genes involved in African trypanosomiasis., Nucleic Acids Research, 20 August 2007,

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Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (93)

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Workflow Get Kegg Pathway information (1)

This workflow gets a series of information relating to a list of KEGG pathways supplied to it. It also removes any null values from a list of strings. Example input: path:mmu04010 path:mmu05014

Created: 2010-03-10 | Last updated: 2010-03-10

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Entrez Gene to KEGG Pathway (5)

This workflow takes in Entrez gene ids then adds the string "ncbi-geneid:" to the start of each gene id. These gene ids are then cross-referenced to KEGG gene ids. Each KEGG gene id is then sent to the KEGG pathway database and its relevant pathways returned.

Created: 2009-12-04 | Last updated: 2010-11-30

Credits: User Paul Fisher