Hr User: Ninoaf


Name: Ninoaf

Joined: Monday 10 May 2010 16:56:35 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 30 July 2013 20:32:02 (UTC)

Email (public): nino.antulov [at]


Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Ninoaf has been credited 11 times

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Field/Industry: Computer science

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


Rudjer Boskovic Institute ,
Zagreb, Croatia


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Workflow Simple Recommender System Web Service V2 (1)

No description

Created: 2012-06-20


Workflow Online update recommendation web service V2 (1)

 After some arbitrary number of recommendations to specific users, system has to update recommendations in item recommendation table. This is accomplished by calling the online update recommendation web service, which updates the recommendation model in RapidAnalytics repository and updates the recommendations for specific users in item recommendation table.

Created: 2012-06-20 | Last updated: 2012-06-20


Workflow Offline update recommendation web service V2 (1)

  Periodically we have to do a full re-training on whole train set by the offline update recommendation web service.

Created: 2012-06-20 | Last updated: 2012-06-20


Workflow TextualAttributeExtraction for Recommender... (1)

This workflow takes conent data from VideoLectures.Net Recommender System Challenge and extractes word-vectors for each lecture. Latent semantic analysis with Singular Value Decomposition is done on item-word binary matrix. The last step is the binomializaiton of dataset.

Created: 2012-06-03


Workflow Offline update recommendation web service (1)

No description

Created: 2012-05-11


Workflow Online update recommendation web service (1)

 After some arbitrary number of recommendations to specific users, system has to update recommendations in \textit{item recommendation table}. This is accomplished by calling the online update recommendation web service, which updates the recommendation model in RapidAnalytics repository and updates the recommendations for specific users in \textit{item recommendation table}.

Created: 2012-05-11 | Last updated: 2012-05-11


Workflow Write activity web service (1)

 When the specific user $i$ "consumes" certain item $j$ the write activity web service is called, which writes activity $(i,j)$ to \textit{train set table} and removes recommendation $j$ for user $i$ from \textit{item recommendation table} in SQL database.

Created: 2012-05-11 | Last updated: 2012-05-11


Workflow Front-end Recommendation Web Service (1)

 Front-end recommendation web service has a simple job to query the cached recommendations from the \textit{item recommendation table}

Created: 2012-05-11 | Last updated: 2012-05-11


Workflow Simple Recommender System Web Service (1)

 This workflow takes macro value of user request and computes top-n recommendations from already learned model on train set. Macro value is transformed to example set with the appropriate \textit{user identification} role within \textit{ProcessInput} subprocess operator.   Simple recommendation web service workflow takes three inputs: \begin{enumerate} \item Macro value \textit{user} - identification number of user request \item Train set from RM repository \item Learned Mo...

Created: 2012-05-10 | Last updated: 2012-05-10


Workflow Format_transform_RMonto-RSextension (1)

This workflow provides transformation of an item description attribute set from RMonto operator into a format required by attribute based k-NN operators of the Recommender extension.

Created: 2012-03-26


Workflow Item rating predictions collaborative-based (1)

This workflow takes input 2 as as train set for several item recommendation predictions. We build four different recommendation model which are combined into one model with operator Model Combiner. Then we take input 1 as a test set and apply merged model. Train and test set must contain user_id, item_id and rating attributes which need to have special roles user identification, item identification and label. This workflow uses recommender system extension.

Created: 2012-01-19


Workflow Item recommendation hybrid-based workflow (1)

This workflow takes input 2 as a train set for recommender systems. We build two item recommendation models: item k-NN (collaborative based) and item attribute k-NN (content based). Item attribute k-NN operator takes additional item attributes from input 3. We combine two models with operator model combiner and test performance on test set (input 1). Train and test set must contain user_id and item_id attributes which need to have special roles user identification and item identification. Th...

Created: 2012-01-19


Workflow Item recommendation collaborative-based wo... (1)

This workflow takes input 2 as a train set for item-k-NN recommender system. The model peformance is evaluated on test set (input 1). This workflow uses recommender system extension. Train and test set must contain user_id and item_id atrributes which need to have special roles user identification and item identification.

Created: 2012-01-09 | Last updated: 2012-01-09


Workflow SVD user-based collaborative filtering rec... (1)

This workflow takes user-item matrix A as a input. Then it calculates reduced SVD decomposition A_k by taking only k greatest singular values and corresponding singular vectors. This worfkflow calculates recommendations and predictions for particular user %{id} from matrix A. Particular row %{id} is taken from original matrix A and replaced with %{id} row in A_k matrix. Predictions are made for %{id} user based on another users A_k. Note: This workflow uses R-script operator with R library ...

Created: 2011-05-09 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Ninoaf User Matko Bošnjak

Attributions: Workflow User-based collaborative filtering recommender system template Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates


Workflow LSI content based recommender system template (1)

This workflow performs LSI text-mining content based recommendation. We use SVD to capture latent semantics between items and words and to obtain low-dimensional representation of items. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) takes k greatest singular values and left and right singular vectors to obtain matrix  A_k=U_k * S_k * V_k^T. Items are represented as word-vectors in the original space, where each row in matrix A represents word-vector of particular item. Matrix U_k, on the other hand ...

Created: 2011-05-06 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Ninoaf User Matko Bošnjak

Attributions: Workflow Content based recommender system template Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates

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