Nl User: Sander van boom


Name: Sander van boom

Joined: Tuesday 09 July 2013 13:17:33 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 06 May 2014 11:14:28 (UTC)

Email (public): sander.van.boom [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Netherlands

Sander van boom has been credited 1 time

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Workflow PubMed Search and Solr storage (5)

Based on the work of Fisher: This workflow takes in a search term, are passed to the eSearch function and searched for in PubMed. I extended by removing outputs and text extraction and addded an automatic Solr storage process using a post.jar, specified by the user. Before running this workflow, make sure that a solr server is up and running and the variable attached to the SolrImport process contains the correct path. Dependencies: - Solr

Created: 2013-07-25 | Last updated: 2013-08-26

Credits: User Sander van boom

Attributions: Workflow PubMed Search

Workflow wf4ever_document_extraction_and_storage (1)

The workflow uses parts of the existing BioAid workflow by Marco Roos ( The workflow stores found articles in a Solr database. Make sure that Solr is running in the correct directory (stored in the Solr_directory value).

Created: 2013-07-24 | Last updated: 2013-08-29

Workflow wf4ever_PDF2TXT2Solr_Database (1)

This workflow extracts the text of a .pdf file and stores it in a .txt file. Then it stores the .txt file in a Solr database.

Created: 2013-07-24

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