Gb User: Bela


Name: Bela

Joined: Friday 04 January 2008 12:50:29 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 17 March 2009 12:56:57 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified


Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

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I am the Lead Bioinformatician with the NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre. My role and interests are diverse. Areas of focus include sequence analysis, microarray analysis and general statistical analysis.

Other contact details:

NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre


Sequence analysis, microarray analysis, bioinformatics pipelines, user support and collaborations, data management, databases in data integration efforts.

Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Lead Bioinformatician


NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre


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Contents (click to expand/contract)

Workflow fetchEnsemblSeqsAndBlast (1)

This workflow allows you to configure a BioMart query to fetch sequences you want from Ensembl. These sequences are retrieved and a blast database of them is created (by default, in the directory you ran taverna from). Warning: This workflow assumes that you have blastall and formatdb installed on the machine, and that by default, these are both found or linked in /usr/local/bin. It also assumes that you have write permission to the directory you have run taverna from. The beanshells "creat...

Created: 2008-04-18 | Last updated: 2008-04-18

Credits: User Bela

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