User: Martijn Schuemie


Name: Martijn Schuemie

Joined: Thursday 02 August 2007 10:21:02 (UTC)

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Martijn Schuemie has been credited 7 times

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Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


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Other Groups that Martijn Schuemie belongs to


Network-member Text mining network

Created: Monday 12 November 2007 23:01:26 (UTC)

The Text mining network on The text mining network on is a network of users of text mining workflows and services developers of text mining workflows developers of text mining services Goals (general) increase the efficacy of the field a place for users/developers to find text mining resources and experts derive text mining...

10 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (18):

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Network-member BioRange_NL

Unique name: biorange_nl
Created: Wednesday 01 August 2007 13:03:24 (UTC)

Introduction ------------ BioRange[1] is a Dutch nationwide program for bioinformatics research. It is associated with VL-e[2], an e-science research project that investigates and develops technology to enhance science through general grid-based infrastructure and tools for six diverging applications. Bioinformatics is one of them. Another association is with BioAssist[3], a bioinformatics ...

3 shared items   |   0 announcements

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