Us User: awenna machie


Name: awenna machie

Joined: Tuesday 26 April 2016 08:23:56 (UTC)

Last seen: Saturday 13 August 2016 13:29:13 (UTC)

Email (public): awenna.machie [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Los Angeles, United States

awenna machie has been credited 0 times

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Description/summary not set

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Not specified


Not specified

Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


Not specified

Other Groups that awenna machie belongs to

Network-member Flooding

Unique name: flooding
Created: Wednesday 22 June 2016 09:01:27 (UTC)

This group for those who want to sound off about their academic/research problems but for various reasons could not do it in other groups.

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Network-member Oil & Gas

Unique name: oil-and-gas
Created: Wednesday 17 February 2016 14:29:13 (UTC)

A group to share and discuss Oil & Gas workflows, news, articles and so on.

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (2):

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Network-member South West Bioinformaticians

Unique name: SWBioinformaticians
Created: Tuesday 16 February 2016 17:00:55 (UTC)

No description

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (2):

This Group has not been tagged yet!

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