User: lennert tyberghein


Name: lennert tyberghein

Joined: Monday 06 October 2014 13:03:09 (UTC)

Last seen: Wednesday 08 October 2014 07:11:58 (UTC)

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Other Groups that lennert tyberghein belongs to

Network-member VLIZ Workshop Oct 2014

Unique name: VLIZOct2014
Created: Wednesday 01 October 2014 10:42:59 (UTC)

October 6th1300 -> 1400 Arrival and lunch1400 -> 1430 Introductions, round table, learning objectives1430 -> 1530 Presentation: Introduction to Workflows with Taverna, myExperiment and BiodiversityCatalogueRegister with myExperiment, join the group and download the ppts used for the rest of the day (below) Introduction to myGrid1530 -> 1600 Coffee1600 -> 1615 Setup check - T...

27 shared items   |   0 announcements


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