Antoon Goderis' Workflows

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Workflow blast_simplifier.xml (1)

No description

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow 1 (2)

Trivial workflow which will initially fail, retry twice then fall over to the alternative specified for the FailingThing process.

Created: 2007-11-06 | Last updated: 2007-11-20

Credits: User Antoon Goderis User Carole Goble User A. Random Scientist Network-member try it out


Workflow Picture of me (2)

If you enter as input I smile back at you as output.

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow metabolic_pathway.xml (1)

A list of Kegg entires are supplied to the Kegg database which then retrieves the associated metabolic pathways for each entry supplied. e.g. Ids takes in a value of 351, whilst abbr takes in a value of hsa. Thus hsa:351 corresponds to neurodegenerative disorders and alzheimers disease pathways. []

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow BLASTP with simplified results returned (2)

Perform a blastp search on protein sequence and extract information based on the user input, e.g. a list of GI numbers. N.B. this workflow does not function correctly as it is designed for use with NCBI blast scripts. Some errors may occur. Please use two blast text file inputs for a secure result output.

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow linking3.xml (1)

This workflow links between a specified EMBL accesion number to corresponding identifiers in the MEDLINE database.

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow metabolic.xml (1)

An example of how a more complex workflow can federate multiple resources to perform data mining. In this case a single input data item in the form of a probe set identifier is cross referenced to data sets in multiple locations to answer a kind of 'show me everything about this data' question.

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow gene_ontology_diagram.xml (1)

This workflow builds up a subgraph of the Gene Ontology ( to show the context for a supplied term or terms. It shows this context by colouring all ancestors of the term, all children and all siblings. By default, ancestors of the supplied term or terms are coloured orange, siblings purple and direct children teal. Other terms appear in the default wheat colour.

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow BlastComparer.xml (1)

Perform a blastp search on protein sequence and extract information based on the user input, e.g. a list of GI numbers. N.B. this workflow does not function correctly as it is designed for use with NCBI blast scripts. Some errors may occur. Please use two blast text file inputs for a secure result output.

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow interpro_url.xml (1)

An example of how a more complex workflow can federate multiple resources to perform data mining. In this case a single input data item in the form of a probe set identifier is cross referenced to data sets in multiple locations to answer a kind of 'show me everything about this data' question.

Created: 2008-07-12 | Last updated: 2008-07-12

Credits: User Paul Fisher

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