Ch User: Lisacek


Name: Lisacek

Joined: Monday 14 September 2009 17:34:03 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 27 October 2009 11:06:08 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified


Location: Geneva, Switzerland

Lisacek has been credited 0 times

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Description/summary not set

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Not specified


mass spectrometry data analysis
protein data annotation
text mining
clinical applications

Field/Industry: bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): group leader


Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics


Other Groups that Lisacek belongs to

Network-member CWA 2.8    Content acquisition

Created: Thursday 17 September 2009 10:57:16 (UTC)

This group is concerned with the acquisition of relevant and high quality resources to be the basis of the CWA nano-publcation triple store. Once the appropriate content has been identified, this group will actively approach the content holders and promote indexing the content into triple format and sharing it with CWA partners.

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!


Network-member CWA working group 2.1 - Content Capture

Unique name: CWA_ContentCapture
Created: Tuesday 01 September 2009 13:06:04 (UTC)

Concept Web Alliance working group on content capture CWA wants to help disclose experiment-derived knowledge from within the scientific community via concepts and relations between concepts, stored as concept-relation-concept triples that together form a 'nano-publication'. A nano-publication contains a single 'unit of though', and minimal provenance about who made it, where it was stated, ho...

1 shared item   |   1 announcements


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