Es User: Julian Garrido


Name: Julian Garrido

Joined: Wednesday 04 April 2012 08:35:05 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 26 February 2015 08:10:24 (UTC)

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Location: Spain

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Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía


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Blob PDL description for AMIGA cone search service

Created: 2013-08-01 09:24:29 | Last updated: 2014-02-11 10:36:12

Credits: User Julian Garrido

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

PDL description file for the amiga catalog web service (cone search).

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 63 times | Downloaded: 25 times




Blob PDL description file for VAMDC collision service

Created: 2013-07-08 13:34:04 | Last updated: 2014-02-10 14:14:31

Credits: User Julian Garrido

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

PDL description file for VAMDC collision service

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 15 times | Downloaded: 7 times

This File has no tags!



Blob Extended PDL description for AMIGA cone search service

Created: 2013-08-05 09:44:39 | Last updated: 2014-02-10 14:10:36

Credits: User Julian Garrido

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

PDL description file for the amiga catalog web service (cone search). This is an extended description where some columns from the resulting votable are also described as output of the service (even though the service only returns a VOTable).The following columns are considered as extended output:- RA J2000- DEC J2000- LB- V3K

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 51 times | Downloaded: 17 times



Workflow Extract a column from a VOTable into a List (3)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for extracting a column from a VOTable into a single List.

Created: 2013-03-08 | Last updated: 2013-04-22

Credits: User Julian Garrido User Susana


Workflow Curves Exploration (1)

Exploration of curves of cubes that contain galaxy observations

Created: 2014-02-12

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Example of interoperability validation on ... (2)

Workflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. The web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVORest config). To check interoperability we have to validatate the connections between outputs and inputs of the artifacts. In this case, there is an error in the connections. dec output is connected to dec input but d...

Created: 2013-09-20 | Last updated: 2013-10-31

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Use of rest services described with PDL (1)

Workflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. There are two cases. - the artifact provides as output the response from the service (rest config). - the web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVOrest config).

Created: 2013-09-20

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Using PDL description and PDL smart descri... (1)

This workflow call the same service using two different PDL descriptions. In the first case, the PDL_service artifact is set up to work with a rest service. In the second case, the PDL_service artifact is set up to work with a rest service but a votable is expected and processed according to the PDL description. It allows providing columns from the votable as output ports.

Created: 2013-09-11

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow PDL workflow for a VAMDC collision service (2)

Example to show how to use a PDL description file implementation of a VAMDC collision asynchronous service

Created: 2013-09-11 | Last updated: 2013-10-31

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Find asteroids in images from CAHA observa... (1)

It analyzes images from CAFOS instrument in Calar Alto Observatory. It uses SkyBot catalog in order to identify objects in the Solar System. It includes a double check to avoid objets that are not asteroids (comparing with USNO and 2MASS catalogs). The result is a VOTable of asteroids

Created: 2013-07-17

Credits: User Julian Garrido



Workflow Cocatenates several VOTables into one (3)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for concatenating several VOTables. The input is four VOTables with the same number of columns. The result if using sample values provided will be a four times vertically duplicated VOTable.

Created: 2012-08-30 | Last updated: 2013-04-22

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Calculate ellipses that describe a galaxy ... (2)

This workflow calculates the ellipses that better match a galaxy by doing two iterations. In the first one the center and the outer ellipse are aproximated because there might be bars that affect to the inner ellipses. In the second one, files with the ellipse data are built. It creates ellipse scripts using data from a votable, it runs ellipse, its results are added to the votable, it creates new scripts for ellipse using the previous results, it runs ellipse a second time and it finally in...

Created: 2012-08-07 | Last updated: 2012-09-11

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Attributions: Workflow Create configuration files from a template and a votable Workflow Run scripts from a column in a votable Workflow Create votable from ellipse results Workflow Detect ellipse failures and get votable without ellipse failures


Workflow Detect ellipse failures and get votable wi... (1)

It detects if ellipse has failed by checking if the resulting data file exists. It adds a column (validellipse) that contains 1 if ellipse didn't fail and 0 if ellipse failed. It returns a votable that contains all the data with the new column and a votable that contains only the rows where ellipse didn't failed. It uses astrotaverna plugin (

Created: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Get completion function V / Vm using the a... (1)

Get completion function V / Vm using the apparent magnitude list of a set of galaxies

Created: 2012-09-03 | Last updated: 2012-09-03

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Ajusting galaxy paramenters using sextractor (5)

This workflow creates configuration files for sextractor, it runs sextractor using this configuration files, it adds sextractor results to the input votable and adds new calculated columns. This task requires a votable as input, a template, a vocabulary and the specification of the column names that contain some required files (configuration files, image files, ...). These files must be accesible from taverna. Sextractor is called by an bash script as 'sex'. Every row in the votable cotains ...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Attributions: Workflow Create configuration files from a template and a votable Workflow Run sextractor using a votable Workflow Create votable from sextractor results Workflow Add columns to a votable resulting from executing sextractor.


Workflow Build plots from galfit and ellipse results (2)

Build plots from galfit and ellipse results (,

Created: 2012-08-30 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Add columns to a votable resulting from ex... (1)

Addcolumns that are needed to run galfit and ellipse. it requires columns coming from sextractor and the astrotaverna plugin.

Created: 2012-08-30

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Adjusting galaxy parameters using galfit (4)

This workflow creates galfit configuration files using data from a votable, it runs galfit, its results is added to the votable, it creates new config files for galfit using the previous results, it runs galfit a second time considering galaxies that have and do not have bars in order to adjust the objective parameters and it finally includes the results into the votable. It requires the specification of the columns that contain file names (these files should be accesibles from taverna). If t...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Attributions: Workflow Create configuration files from a template and a votable Workflow Run galfit using a votable Workflow Create votable from galfit results Workflow Create votable from different galfit paramenter adjustments Workflow Create galfit configuration files with partition criteria using votable


Workflow Create votable from different galfit param... (2)

The workflow creates a votable from the results provided by galfit. It returns this table and an aditional table that is joined to the input table. It requires a votable that contains a column with the file name resulting from running galfit and such files must be accesible from taverna. It uses astrotaverna plugin ( and it has a dependency on stil library ( The galfit files may come from adjusting 'disk, bulb, ba...

Created: 2012-08-21 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Create votable from ellipse results (2)

The workflow takes from a votable the names of files where the ellipse result is stored. These files contain data for several ellipses and the workflow takes the center from the inner ellipse and the ellipticitiy from one of the outter ones. It uses astrotaverna plugin (

Created: 2012-08-07 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Run scripts from a column in a votable (2)

It runs scripts whose pathname are values of a column in a votable

Created: 2012-08-07 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Create galfit configuration files with par... (1)

This workflow creates galfit configuration files using a partition criteria. The resulting configuration files are different depending on whether the galaxy has o doesn't have a bar. They are created (one for every row in the votable) using a template whose keys are replaced by data from a votable. Keys must appear also in the vocabulary file and match column names in the votable. A column in the votable must contain the name of the result configuration file. This workflow uses astrotaverna ...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-07-26

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Create votable from galfit results (4)

The workflow creates a votable from the results provided by galfit. It returns this table and an aditional table that is joined to the input table. It requires a votable that contains a column with the file name resulting from running galfit and such files must be accesible from taverna. It uses astrotaverna plugin ( and it has a dependency on stil library (

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Run galfit using a votable (2)

It runs galfit and adjust the paramenters specified. This workflow has a dependency on the stil library ( Galfit is called by a bash script as 'galfit'. Galfit is called for every row in the votable. Columns where the result file name and the configuration file name are defined must be especified. These files should be accesibles from taverna. ExperimentFolder provides the root folder for the experiment. If the configuration files contain references to o...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Create votable from sextractor results (2)

The workflow creates a votable from the results provided by sextractor (votables). It returns this table and an aditional table that is joined to the input table. It requires a votable that contains a column with the file name resulting from running sextractor and such files accesible from taverna. It uses astrotaverna plugin (

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-08-21

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Run sextractor using a votable (2)

It runs sextractor and adjust the paramenters specified. This workflow has a dependency on the stil library ( Sextractor is called by an bash script as 'sex'. Sextractor is called for every row in the votable. Columns where the configuration file and the image file name are defined must be especified. These files should be accesibles from taverna. ExperimentFolder provides the root folder for the experiment. If the configuration files contain refer...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Create configuration files from a template... (1)

This workflow uses astrotaverna artifacts. It creates files by using a template whose keys are replaced by data from a votable. A configuration file is created for every row in the votable. The keys must appear also in the vocabulary file and match column names in the votable. A column in the votable must contain the name of the result configuration file.

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-04

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Convert table to CDS format (1)

It converts a csv file (comma separated values) to the CDS format. It also provides relevant information to create the ReadMe file. The first row in the input file must be the column names. If you want to run this workflow, you have to install astrotaverna plugin. You can easyly cusomize the workflow to provide a votable or fits table as input.

Created: 2012-05-28 | Last updated: 2012-05-28

Credits: User Julian Garrido

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