Gb User: Hyde Zhang


Name: Hyde Zhang

Joined: Thursday 22 March 2012 13:49:33 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 20 May 2014 19:04:06 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

Hyde Zhang has been credited 0 times

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Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


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Workflow DOI Record Generator (1)

This workflow generates DOI record files for deposit, using data set metadata for the FLOSSmole project. It reads in an input file generated from a SQL query from an eprints database, and transforms the parts of the source file as necessary to create a comprehensive DOI deposit record. It also generates DOIs for the data sets. These metadata are inserted into an XML record template (based on the std-doi.xsd schema) and the individual resources are aggregated into a single file.

Created: 2009-04-29

Credits: User Andrea Wiggins

Attributions: Workflow Data Set Metadata Generator

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Workflow Retrieve_bio_documents (2)

This workflow retrieves relevant documents, based on a query optimized by adding a string to the original query that will rank the search output according to the most recent years. The added string adds years with priorities (most recent is highest); it starts at 2007.

Created: 2007-12-10 | Last updated: 2007-12-10

Credits: User Marco Roos User Edgar Network-member AID

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