User: Radhouane


Name: Radhouane

Joined: Tuesday 16 June 2009 15:38:48 (UTC)

Last seen: Monday 20 July 2009 13:46:44 (UTC)

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Location: Not specified

Radhouane has been credited 0 times

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Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


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User Marco Roos

Joined: Saturday 21 July 2007 10:43:23 (UTC)

My role as a biologist and bioinformatician in e-science is to help increase the usefulness of emerging information technologies for biology, while experimenting with new ways to increase insight into mechanisms related to structure and function of DNA in the cell. I experiment with technologies such as workflow, knowledge extraction from text, semantic web and virtual research environments suc...

Last active:Thursday 28 April 2016 21:38:56 (UTC)

Website: | Email (public):m.roos [at]

Field/Industry:Biology | Occupation/Role(s):PhD, e-(bio)scientist (biology 'power-user'), biology e-Science liaison for NBIC and e-Science organisations

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