It User: Aguffanti


Name: Aguffanti

Joined: Wednesday 13 May 2009 16:02:29 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 12 March 2013 08:30:21 (UTC)

Email (public): alessandro.guffanti [at]


Location: Lainate, Milano, Italy

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Alessandro Guffanti
Head of Bioinformatics - Deep Sequencing Data Analyst at Genomnia srl


I am currently working for a small but innovative genomic services company, investigating the
applications of short read massive sequencing (ABI Solid) to problems such as chip-Seq, RNA-Seq,
miRNAs, transcriptomics, genome-wide retroviral vector integration etc. I am also always interested in
bioinformatics programming, creation of new bioinformatic web sites, didactic of bioinformatics


Bioprogramming, deep seq data analyisis, statistical data analysis, didactics of bioinformatics and
genome / transcriptome analysis


Head of Bioinformatics - Deep Sequencing Data Analyst at Genomnia srl
March 2009 - Present (3 months)
Genomnia is a small and very active company, focused on deep sequencing projects (ABI Solid
platform) and strong skills on bioinformatic analysis of genome and transcriptome sequencing data,
bioinformatics programming, statistical analysis. I am in charge both of bioinformatic analysis and

Researcher at CNR
October 2006 - February 2009 (2 years 5 months)
Works at Institute of Biomedical Technologies, National Research council, Milano, Italy, on
bioinformatics analysis of 454 deep sequencing data (miRNAs, transcriptome and genome),

Director of Bioinformatic services at IFOM-IEO campus
2000 - 2006 (6 years)
Manages the bioinformatic infrastructure for the whole campus (> 300 researhers), including web
mastering, programming, system management. Maintains an autnomous research activity in
bioinformatics applied to transcriptome and genome analysis. Produces innovative bioinformatic
web sites.

Senior Bioinformatics Programmer at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
August 1999 - October 2000 (1 year 3 months)
Manages the C.elegans genome sequence database. Collaborates in establishing HT
bioinformatics analysis pipelines. Conducts original bioinformatics research on the C.elegans
genome and transcriptome. Collaborates in the writing of scientific papers. Works in the group of

Bioinformatics Fellow at Tigem
October 1995 - August 1999 (3 years 11 months)
Helps in the maintenance of data analysis pipelines and in the implementation of original
transcriptomics / bioinformatics research projects. Works with G.Simon, currently head of
Informatics at Axxam srl

Molecular Biology Fellow at Isituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori
October 1994 - October 1995 (1 year 1 month)
Conducts molecular biology studies on the mechanisms of action of 4-HRP (Fenretinide), a
chemopreventive agent for ovarian cancer patients which actually revealed effectiveness in
preventing relapses of breast cancer

ERASMUS Fellow at Institut Pasteur
February 1993 - August 1993 (7 months)
Junior research fellow in studies on the regulation of expression of the human sex-determining
gene SRY. Laboratoire d'Immunogenetique Humaine, Marc Fellous / Ken Mc Elreavey

Computer Operator I at Digital Equipments Corporation (DEC), currently HP corp
January 1987 - December 1987 (1 year)
Performs all the day to day backup and system management / simple automation tasks on the
corporate VAX/VMS 8100 systems.


Università degli Studi di Milano
MSc, Medical Statistics, 2008 - 2008
University of Hertfordshire
MSc, Computer Science, 2002 - 2005
Università degli Studi di Milano
BSc, Molecular Biology, 1988 - 1993

Honors and Awards

Experience as a coordinator of a bioinformatics support unit in the following research grants:
• AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) Regional Grant 2005: ‘Identification of new cancer
biomarkers through bioinformatics and application to tumour prognosis and therapy’.
• AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) Grant 2004: ‘A bioinformatic strategy for large-scale
identification and annotation of chromosomal aberrations in tumors’
• FIRB (Italian Fund for Basic Research) grant ‘Gene Expression Profiles in Tumor Initiation and
Progression: correlation with Prognostic and Therapeutic Indicators’.
• Recipient of an “HP Integrity Program Grant 2004”, consisting in a donation of two HP rx4640
Integrity Itanium2 4-processor servers in support of the bioinformatic research project ‘Large Scale
identification of Antisense Transcripts in the Human Genome’.

Recent publications :

Guffanti A. et al 'A transcriptional sketch of a primary human breast cancer by 454 deep sequencing.'
BMC Genomics 2009, 10:163.
Soldà G., Makunin I.V., Sezerman O.U., Corradin A., Corti G., Guffanti A. 'An Ariadne's thread to the
identification and annotation of noncoding RNAs in eukaryotes.' Brief Bioinform. 2009 Apr 21. [Epub
ahead of print].
- L.Monti(*), R.Cinquetti(*), A.Guffanti(*) et al. ‘In silico prediction and experimental validation of
natural antisense transcripts in two cancer-associated regions of human chromosome 6’. International
Journal of Oncology 2009 Apr;34(4):1099-108. (*) Equal Contribution
- Giulia Soldà, Mikita Suyama, Paride Pelucchi, Silvia Boi, Alessandro Guffanti, Ermanno Rizzi, Peer
Bork, Maria Luisa Tenchini, and Francesca D. Ciccarelli. ‘Non-random retention of protein-coding
overlapping genes in Metazoa’. BMC Genomics 2008, 9:174

Other contact details:

Alessandro Guffanti - Bioinformatics, Genomnia srl
Via Nerviano, 31 - 20020 Lainate, Milano, Italy

Ph: +39-0293305.700
Fax: +39-0293305.777

"If you can dream it, you can do it" (Walt Disney)


I am currently working for a small but innovative genomic services company, investigating the applications of short read massive sequencing (ABI Solid) to problems such as chip-Seq, RNA-Seq, miRNAs, transcriptomics, genome-wide retroviral vector integration etc. I am also always interested in bioinformatics programming, creation of new bioinformatic web sites, didactic of bioinformatics

Field/Industry: Biotechnology - Deep Sequencing

Occupation/Role(s): Head of Bioinformatics


Alessandro Guffanti - Bioinformatics, Genomnia srl

Via Nerviano, 31 - 20020 Lainate, Milano, Italy

Ph: +39-0293305.700 Fax: +39-0293305.777


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