Us User: Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier


Name: Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Joined: Wednesday 07 September 2011 20:31:46 (UTC)

Last seen: Wednesday 05 October 2011 05:03:13 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified


Location: Syracuse, United States

Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier has been credited 16 times

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Field/Industry: Library science, Information science

Occupation/Role(s): Grad Student


Syracuse University iSchool


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Blob What's the Season? Inputs and Outputs

Created: 2011-10-05 05:59:03 | Last updated: 2011-10-05 05:59:05

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow What's the Season?

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This .zip file contains: pythonicastro-INPUT.xml » The input data used to generate the output. pythonicastro-distgraph.png » The Google Chart comparing distances. (Unfortunately, this is a bar chart.) pythonicseasons.xml » The most important output of astronomical objects, RA, Dec, and season that's best for observing. urlchecker.txt » This output was used for checking the URL to make sure it worked.

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 33 times | Downloaded: 18 times



Blob Messier Objects and Stars

Created: 2011-10-05 05:49:01 | Last updated: 2011-10-05 05:49:31

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow What's the Season?

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This is the Excel spreadsheet for use with the What's the Season? workflow (see list of attributions). It contains the object name, RA, Dec, magnitude, and distance. The spreadsheet was built using the following sources. Dolan (n.d.), Frommert & Kronberg (2007), and Kronberg (1998) were consulted the most, with some RA/Dec values coming from Wikipedia.     Alpha Crucis. (2011, July 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved on 26 September 2011, from http://en.wikipe...

File type: application/x-crossover-xls

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 1258 times | Downloaded: 49 times




Workflow Concatenated String of Hipsterisms (1)

A workflow that gets a number of through a REST call to into a JSON string, then disassembles the record and concatenates into a paragraph.

Created: 2013-09-13

Credits: User Scottschreckengaust User tpacurtis User User Mutanthumb User Chrisser User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier User Atminer

Attributions: Workflow Concatenated String of Sentences Workflow Hello Hipster Workflow Hello Hipster Workflow Hello Hipster World


Workflow Literacy Rate and GDP/Capita Increase (Per... (1)

This is a workflow for a Cyberinfrastructure class (Fall 2011) at Syracuse University. It takes information from GapMinder and runs it through a workflow to produce a graph. The original data sets can be found here: (Literacy rate, adult total) (Income per person)

Created: 2011-11-28 | Last updated: 2011-11-28

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example


Workflow [untitled] (2)

This is a workflow for a Cyberinfrastructure class (Fall 2011) at Syracuse University. It takes information from GapMinder and runs it through a workflow to produce a graph. The original data sets can be found here: (Literacy rate, adult total) (Income share of poorest 20%)

Created: 2011-11-27 | Last updated: 2011-11-27

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example Workflow Broccoli: A State Comparison


Workflow Complex Addition Part 2 (1)

This workflow provides a way to do more complex addition/subtraction (and mutliplication/division) operations in Kepler. All of the input values are completely customizable. This is the second of two workflows (the extra credit).   Based on the workflow 01-SimpleAddition.kar by Matt Jones (NCEAS) in May 2006. The workflow is packaged with Kepler.

Created: 2011-09-27 | Last updated: 2011-09-27

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Complex Addition


Workflow Get Silly Vamp (1)

This workflow grabs the Silly Vamp comic strip. It is inspired by the Taverna workflow to get the latest XKCD comic.   The comic date can be customized. Please right-click on "IMAGE NAME" and change the value to the specific date you want. The date format is   YYMMDD   For example, June 26, 2011 would be:   110626

Created: 2011-09-27 | Last updated: 2011-09-27

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier


Workflow Complex Addition (1)

 This workflow provides a way to do more complex addition/subtraction (and mutliplication/division) operations in Kepler. All of the input values are completely customizable.   Based on the workflow 01-SimpleAddition.kar by Matt Jones (NCEAS) in May 2006. The workflow is packaged with Kepler.

Created: 2011-09-27 | Last updated: 2011-09-27

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier


Workflow Hello Hipster (1)

This script is based on the classic "Hello World" in Kepler created by Matt Jones (May 2006) at NCEAS.   It takes a string of phrases from the generator at and consolidates the strings into one long paragraph.

Created: 2011-09-27 | Last updated: 2011-09-27

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier


Workflow Seven-Day Forecast (1)

This workflow takes a list of zipcodes and generates their seven-day weather reports using the USA Weather Forecast from The output includes maximum and minimum temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Created: 2011-09-14

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Get weather information


Workflow Fetch today's Girls with Slingshots comic (1)

This workflow uses local java plugins and filtering operations to fetch today's comic strip image from Girls with Slingshots focuses on the lives of a group of women in their twenties. It is one of the few major webcomics to pass the Bechdel test. Based on the workflow "Fetch today's xkcd comic" by Tom Oinn and Stian Soiland-Reyes.

Created: 2011-09-14 | Last updated: 2011-09-14

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Fetch today's xkcd comic Workflow Daily Dilbert


Workflow Standard Deviation From a Text File: Neste... (1)

This workflow takes an input file of a list of numbers and runs it through a simple Python script to produce the standard deviation and average.

Created: 2011-09-21 | Last updated: 2011-09-21

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Standard Deviation and Mean Values from a Text File Blob Input for PS3 # 2 Part 2


Workflow Standard Deviation and Mean Values from a ... (1)

This incredibly awkward script has another embedded script associated with it. It essentially smashes the output from the other workflows together using a Beanshell script.

Created: 2011-09-21 | Last updated: 2011-09-21

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Blob Input for PS3 # 2 Part 2


Workflow Python Average and Standard Deviation (2)

This workflow uses a Python script to take a provided filename (or list of filenames) containing numbers (one per line) and return the standard deviation and average (or mean).

Created: 2011-09-21 | Last updated: 2011-09-21

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Executes Python script Blob Input for PS3 #2 Part 1


Workflow Broccoli: A State Comparison (1)

Imports data from NY and NJ to compare broccoli harvest vs. planting rates across the two states. The workflow is currently set to evaluate data from 1960 to 1965. Source: Compiled by ERS from data of USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Vegetables Final Estimates.

Created: 2011-09-21 | Last updated: 2011-09-21

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example Blob NJ Broccoli Production Blob NY Broccoli Production


Workflow US Consumption of Plant Nutrients (1)

This workflow takes data from the ERS, TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), AAPFCO (Association of American Plant Food Control Officials), and the TFI (The Fertilizer Institute) and represents them in a bar chart.

Created: 2011-09-21 | Last updated: 2011-09-21

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example Blob US Fertilizer Use

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