Gb User: Craigt


Name: Craigt

Joined: Thursday 12 March 2009 17:49:48 (UTC)

Last seen: Wednesday 25 March 2009 11:59:03 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

Craigt has been credited 0 times

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I have a Bsc. in Applied Biology (1985), a PhD in Ecotoxicology (1992)  and I am currently doing a Bioinformatics MSc at Newcastle (2008/2009). 

Other contact details:

Newcastle UK


As part of my MSc studies, I have joined a team for the iGEM competition. I am interested in synthetic biology and how we can use it to build new and useful strains of bacteria for solving environmental problems.

Field/Industry: Bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): Student Msc


Newcastle University


Other Groups that Craigt belongs to


Network-member Newcastle MSc.

Unique name: NewcastleMsc
Created: Wednesday 04 March 2009 14:53:45 (UTC)

This group was create for the Newcastle MSc.

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

Members (22):



Network-member Team B Est Newcastle MSc

Unique name: TeamB
Created: Thursday 12 March 2009 17:03:02 (UTC)

We are competing with another team (Team A) to deploy a web service BugHunter R  to  identify a Staphyloccocus aureus strain and predict pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance. Some other facilities may be added in future versions. This service uses Taverna workflow and Java Webservices.

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

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