Gb User: Gudmundur 'Mummi' Thorisson


Name: Gudmundur 'Mummi' Thorisson

Joined: Monday 12 January 2009 10:05:35 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 14 June 2011 14:54:27 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Leicester, United Kingdom

Gudmundur 'Mummi' Thorisson has been credited 0 times

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Description/summary not set

Other contact details:

Not specified


Not specified

Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): PhD student


University of Leicester


Other Groups that Gudmundur 'Mummi' Thorisson belongs to


Network-member CWA 2.4: Unified persistent ID

Unique name: persistent ID
Created: Thursday 13 August 2009 15:11:47 (UTC)

Collaborate with existing initiatives and develop clear guidelines for unique Identifiers and how they relate to DOI’s URI’ etc. and an initial design of a ‘best practices’ and ‘certification plan’ at the concept level, not yet the triple level (collaboration with 2.6)  

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Network-member CWA working group 2.6: Nanopublications

Created: Wednesday 12 August 2009 14:12:31 (UTC)

The Concept Web Alliance is an organization founded to promote the semantically rich publication and dissemination of life science data and knowledge. The basic underlying units of this knowledge will be 'triples' - concept-relationship-concept - represented using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) specification of the W3C. Technologies that are built around RDF such as RDF Triplestores,...

1 shared item   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: Nanopublication / Format Working Group Mailing List


Network-member Concept Web Alliance (general)

Unique name: CWA
Created: Monday 27 July 2009 12:48:15 (UTC)

This group aims to connect all people actively interested or participating in the new initiative, the Concept Web Alliance.(CWA) the Aim of the CWA is: “To enable an open collaborative environment to jointly address the challenges associated with high volume scholarly and professional data production, storage, interoperability and analyses for knowledge discovery.“ The 'Magnet Gro...

4 shared items   |   2 announcements


What is this?

Linked Data

Non-Information Resource URI:

Alternative Formats