Gb User: Ross Gardler


Name: Ross Gardler

Joined: Friday 20 July 2007 23:33:04 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 24 November 2011 22:34:09 (UTC)

Email (public): rgardler [at]


Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

Ross Gardler has been credited 0 times

Ross Gardler has an average rating of:

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Description/summary not set

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Not specified


Open Source software

Field/Industry: Computer Science

Occupation/Role(s): Programme Leader (Open Development)


The Apache Software Foundaton
The British Computer Society


Groups that Ross Gardler owns


Network-member Discovering what this is all about

Unique name: what
Created: Friday 20 July 2007 23:35:47 (UTC)

Introduction ============ So, this is a Social Network site. I'm just experimenting in an attempt to understand why I shuld use this and not something else. Questions to answer ------------------- The first obvious difference is the use of OpenID to log in, good. I wonder if this will allow us to itegrate with other OpenID apps. Where's the API? Can it do anything meaningful (yet)...

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Other Groups that Ross Gardler belongs to

Network-member Rave Usability Lab Group

Unique name: ravedevgp
Created: Tuesday 16 August 2011 17:55:42 (UTC)

Test group for Rave in Context usability lab

1 shared item   |   0 announcements


Network-member Free/Libre Open Source Software

Unique name: FLOSS
Created: Wednesday 06 February 2008 15:17:36 (UTC)

This group is for researchers studying open source software development. Sharing analysis workflows and components is an efficient way to advance the efforts of the FLOSS research community and is consistent with the values of the development communities we study. The aim of this group is to leverage what we have learned from the FLOSS development community, neatly summarized by Eric Raymond: &...

8 shared items   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: FLOSShub: new FLOSS research resource portal

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