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Items tagged with "open phacts kinme nodes" (3)

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Packs (1)

Pack KNIME workflows from Zdrazil et al, MedChemComm, 201...

Created: 2016-07-20 06:21:03 | Last updated: 2017-06-22 13:35:07

Included are 2 KNIME workflows for data retrieval and processing:1) a KNIME workflow called "Transporter_Profiling_SERT_DAT_HERGlabel" with HERG labels included2) a KNIME workflow called "Transporter_Profiling_SERT_DAT_Ki_IC50_tailored_TH" without HERG labels

7 items in this pack

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Workflows (2)

Workflow KNIME workflow with hERG labels included f... (1)

KNIME workflow used to retrieve and process data from Open PHACTS for three targets of interest (hSERT, hDAT, hERG). Further, Murcko scaffolds are computed and selectivity trends towards hSERT and hDAT can be studied. Compounds/scaffold series are flagged by their ability to also inhibit hERG.Requirements:- Knime v2.11- Open PHACTS Knime nodes version 1.1.0: https://github.com/openphacts/OPS-Knime- KNIME additional community nodes: 'Trusted Community Contributions (2.11)': EMBL-EBI No...

Created: 2016-07-20 | Last updated: 2016-07-20

Credits: Network-member Open PHACTS

Workflow KNIME workflow without hERG labels include... (1)

KNIME workflow used to retrieve and process data from Open PHACTS for three targets of interest (hSERT, hDAT, hERG). Further, Murcko scaffolds are computed and selectivity trends towards hSERT and hDAT can be studied. Cutt off's for separating actives/inactives are tailored to the specific target and endpoint.Requirements:- Knime v2.11- Open PHACTS Knime nodes version 1.1.0: https://github.com/openphacts/OPS-Knime- KNIME additional community nodes: 'Trusted Community Contributions (2....

Created: 2016-07-20 | Last updated: 2016-07-20

Credits: User Barbara Zdrazil Network-member Open PHACTS

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/4597

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