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Items tagged with "construction of birth-flow matrix model" (2)

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Packs (1)
Project Biovel

Pack Relative importance of Chinook salmon abundance on r...

Created: 2014-08-29 11:04:10 | Last updated: 2014-09-30 09:35:02

The pack contains three workflows, 13 files and 2 documentations (tutorials to run the workflows).Workflows:1) Demography of the killer whales.2) Resident killer whale-chinook salmon interactions.3) Exploration of fishing scenarios.These workflow uses input data of two different populations of Orcas in the northeastern Pacific Ocean of Canada and the U.S. But these workflows can also use input data from other populations of the Orcas in the world (see requirements for data entry in the docume...

19 items in this pack

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