Tag Results

Items tagged with "anni" (4)

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Packs (1)

Pack HD data interpretation

Created: 2013-09-02 13:18:22 | Last updated: 2015-04-03 21:14:41

This workflow pack, was created in order to further analyse and interpret the results from workflow pack 485 (HD chromatin analysis). The workflows in this pack are using the anni web services, implemented by the Biosemantics group. 

6 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 92 times | Downloaded: 18 times


Workflows (3)

Workflow Explain concept scores (7)

Purpose of workflow: This workflow takes two concept ids as input and returns the top ranking "B" concepts according to Swanson's ABC model of discovery, where the relationships AB and BC are known and reported in the literature, and the implicit relationship AC is a putative new discovery. It might also be the case that AC is already known. In that case AC does not represent a new discovery but will still be returned (see workflow example values). The B concepts are returned sorted on the pe...

Created: 2012-02-07 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Reinout van Schouwen


Workflow Get concept suggestions from term (1)

This workflow suggests concept ids that match the query term. The user can run this workflow with any term of interest as for example "human", "htt", "Transcription" etc, and will get suggestions for concept ids together with descriptions. Then can choose the concept id that matches the best to her/his needs and use it to the rest of the CPA workflows.

Created: 2013-08-31

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Annotate gene list with top ranking concepts (4)

This workflow annotates a comma separated gene list with a predefined concept set as for example Biological processes or Disease/syndrome. To obtain the particular id for each concept set (e.g. "5" for Biological processes), the workflow listPredefinedConceptSets needs to run first. The output provides us with the top (cutoff) concepts that describe our gene list of interest The workflow is using the anni web services .

Created: 2013-12-03 | Last updated: 2015-04-03

Credits: User Eleni

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/3243

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