Pack: wf4ever Deliverable 6.3 Pack

Created: 2011-12-02 09:31:26      Last updated: 2011-12-02 10:21:03
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Title: wf4ever Deliverable 6.3 Pack

Information Description

This pack contains (references to) the workflows for GWAS analysis by workflows that perform pathway and GO analysis and biosemantics data interpretation (a special form of text mining).

This pack aggregates the deliverable materials for month 8 for Work Package 6. The workflows have not been published in the scientific domain yet, so its content cannot yet be made public. They are available upon request, in particular for reviewers. Please contact Kristina Hettne or Marco Roos (see credited users of this pack).

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    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2011-12-02 10:17:49)

  • Internal item

    Workflow: Match concept profiles (Marco Roos)


    Workflow for matching concept profiles to interpret biological data, created by Kristina Hettne and Marco Roos. The workflow uses methods developed by the BioSemantics group and previously implemented in the tool Anni (Martijn Schuemie et al.). The Web Services are implemented by Reinout van Schouwen. The BioSemantics group is part of the Human Genetics Department, Leiden University Medical Centre, and the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. This work is carried out in the context of the Workflow Forever Project, the Centre for Medical Systems Biology, and the Netherlands BioInformatics Centre.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2011-12-02 09:38:02)


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    You are not authorised to view the item this entry points to.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2011-12-02 09:38:24)

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    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2011-12-02 09:38:43)

  • External item

    External: Link to concept matching Web Service - (


    Web Service for Concept Matching. It was created by Reinout van Schouwen for the BioSemantics group in the context of the Centre of Medical Systems Biology, the Workflow Forever project, and the Netherlands BioInformatics Centre.

    This service is currently in beta testing.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2011-12-02 09:56:31)

  • External item

    External: DropBox link - (


    DropBox link to Research Object material (prototype RO infrastructure). Invited users only.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2011-12-02 09:35:39)

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