Group: Msc Tutorial


Group for Msc Tutorial

Created at: Monday 03 March 2008 14:15:53 (UTC)



  1. Avatar
    Larionov, Paulorapazote, and Ahmadmb joined the Msc Tutorial group
  2. 3454?size=48x48
    S155651 commented:
     I love Jess picture !
    Friday 27 January 2012 16:12:51 (UTC)
  3. 71?size=48x48
    Katy Wolstencroft shared InterproScan without Looping
    This workflow performs an interproscan at the EBI on sequences provided as input. The output is provided as text or png. This workflow uses the new EBI services, which are asynchronous and require looping over the nested workflow (Status) until the workflow has finished. This workflow will not work p …
    Friday 20 January 2012 10:32:58 (UTC)
  4. 71?size=48x48
    Katy Wolstencroft shared Retrieve Protein Sequence and BLAST
    Retrieves a protein sequence in Fasta format from Genbank and then performs a BLAST on that sequence
    Monday 03 March 2008 14:21:29 (UTC)
  5. 71?size=48x48
    Katy Wolstencroft created the Msc Tutorial group
    Monday 03 March 2008 14:15:53 (UTC)

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