Group: CWA working group 1.7: sustainability / public fundraising


This group is responsible for fundraising from public resources. Please view the XLS file with currently pursued fundignopportunities. Everyone is invited to join this group and suggest funding opportunities.

Created at: Sunday 02 August 2009 19:10:26 (UTC)



  1. 728?size=48x48
    Barend commented:
    Hi It would be nice if we all uploaded our detected funding opportunities here like Denis did.
    Monday 17 August 2009 12:57:30 (UTC)
  2. 734?size=48x48
    Denis costello shared EU Call for proposals for Machine translations for the multilingual web
    See page 28 of enclosed document outlining call for projects to be funding by EU in the context of Information Society.  More info:   "The total funding available for this …
    Wednesday 12 August 2009 16:23:19 (UTC)
  3. 725?size=48x48
    Albert Mons commented:
    Yesterday the formal request to be granted tax exemption status was filed for the CWA 501 (c) 3 in the USA. When granted this means that individuals and funders can donate/grant money to the organization tax free.  
    Friday 07 August 2009 15:19:40 (UTC)
  4. 728?size=48x48
    Barend created the CWA working group 1.7: sustainability / public fundraising group
    Sunday 02 August 2009 19:10:26 (UTC)

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