Group: Theoretical Physics


 Elementary particles, quantum computers, quantum entanglement, gravitation, cosmology (dark energy, dark matter, horizon thermodynamics), soft condensed matter physics ...

Created at: Saturday 18 July 2009 01:25:41 (UTC)

Unique name: Einstein



  1. 2379?size=48x48
    Tapas joined the Theoretical Physics group
    Tuesday 21 December 2010 17:41:16 (UTC)
  2. 684?size=48x48
    two files on emergent gravity uploaded
     coupling to matter fields 
    Sunday 19 July 2009 00:44:51 (UTC)
  3. 684?size=48x48
    Feynman, Weinberg Videos Online
      "The Quantum Theory of Fields: Effective or Fundamental?" The video is 72 minutes long; the talk was on 2009-07-07.   Bill Gates's special Feynman Tuva Video software just crashed Safari on Mac Leopard - typical Microsoft programming.   Both Feynm …
    Saturday 18 July 2009 20:58:00 (UTC)
  4. 684?size=48x48
    JackSarfatti commented:
      "The Quantum Theory of Fields: Effective or Fundamental?" The video is 72 minutes long; the talk was on 2009-07-07. Bill Gates's special Feynman Tuva Video software just crashed Safari on Mac Leopard - typical Microsoft programming.   Both Feynman and …
    Saturday 18 July 2009 20:56:31 (UTC)
  5. 686?size=48x48
    Roderickyoung, and Msowers joined the Theoretical Physics group
  6. 684?size=48x48
    JackSarfatti created the Theoretical Physics group
    Saturday 18 July 2009 01:25:41 (UTC)

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