Group: Bonn-September 2013


This group is for the attendees of the lab course "In silico experimentation using e-labs" at BonnUniversity, 4-6 September 2013

Created at: Wednesday 28 August 2013 13:45:23 (UTC)

Unique name: bonn092013



  1. 4438?size=48x48
    Dr Kaveh Ostad Ali Askari joined the Bonn-September 2013 group
    Sunday 05 February 2017 14:18:40 (UTC)
  2. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared Introduction to Taverna Online & Interaction
    This is an introductory tutorial for Taverna Online and Interaction service. To be used for the workshop at Bonn University 4-6 September 2013
    Friday 06 September 2013 09:04:41 (UTC)
  3. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared Introduction to Taverna Components - Bonn 2013
    This is an introductory tutorial about Taverna Components to be used for the workshop at Bonn University 4-6 September 2013. Please note that as components are still under development some details presented in this tutorial may change in the future.
    Friday 06 September 2013 07:39:49 (UTC)
  4. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared XPath service Tutorial
    XPath Service tutorial to be used for the workshop at Bonn University, 4-6 September 2013
    Thursday 05 September 2013 12:26:15 (UTC)
  5. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared REST Service Tutorial
    REST Services Tutorial to be used for the workshop at Bonn University 2013
    Thursday 05 September 2013 12:12:56 (UTC)
  6. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared Shims and Beanshells - tutorial
    Shims and Beanshell - introductory tutorial for the workshop at Bonn University 2013
    Thursday 05 September 2013 09:49:45 (UTC)
  7. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared RShell tutorial
    RShell Tutorial by Peter Li - to be used for the workshop at Bonn University, 4-6 September 2013
    Thursday 05 September 2013 09:46:43 (UTC)
  8. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared BioVeL workshop reduced full workflow
    The workflow is a reduced version of the main workflow. It can be used to call web services to support biodiversity research. It fetches data from GBIF. The occurrences are then used to create a model using OpenModeller, test the model and to project the model. The projection of the model is currentl …
    Wednesday 04 September 2013 16:03:01 (UTC)
  9. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared v2 Retry-Example
    Tuesday 03 September 2013 22:37:51 (UTC)
  10. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared Introduction to Taverna -part2 - Bonn 2013
    Introduction to Taverna workflows: myExperiment, nested workflows, Spreadsheet import, BioMart, exploring workflow engine. This is a tutorial for the workshop at Bonn University 4-6 September 2013
    Tuesday 03 September 2013 22:28:51 (UTC)
  11. 4059?size=48x48
    Aleksandra Pawlik shared Pathway to Pubmed
    This workflow takes in a list of KEGG pathway descriptions and searches the PubMed database for corresponding articles. Any matches to the pathways are then retrieved (abstracts only). These abstracts are then returned to the user.
    Tuesday 03 September 2013 22:25:15 (UTC)

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