A Two-Step Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Approa...
Created: 2012-05-11 01:52:33
| Last updated: 2012-05-11 01:52:34
Mohd Saberi
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Manipitetibn of wdre itzing, buffer sizing, and futffer inseriiai atu a few
techniques that con be used to i,mproae tfune d,eloy 'in aery lorge su,le intqrction (VLSI)
circuit routing- Thi* paper enhances an eri,sting approach, which is based on Particl,e
Swarrn Optimization (PSO) fur sofuing rcuting poblem in VLil circaits. A hoo-step
Binary Particle Swarm Optimizatdon (BPSO) apprcach, which is based on BPSO, is
chosen in thi^s stuily to improue time ilelay through finding the bes...
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