File Entry: A Two-Step Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Approach For Routing in VLSI (Appear In Press)

Created: 2012-05-11 01:52:33      Last updated: 2012-05-11 01:52:34
Information Version 1 (of 1)

Version created on: 2012-05-11 01:52:33

Information Description

 Manipitetibn of wdre itzing, buffer sizing, and futffer inseriiai atu a few

techniques that con be used to i,mproae tfune d,eloy 'in aery lorge su,le intqrction (VLSI)
circuit routing- Thi* paper enhances an eri,sting approach, which is based on Particl,e
Swarrn Optimization (PSO) fur sofuing rcuting poblem in VLil circaits. A hoo-step
Binary Particle Swarm Optimizatdon (BPSO) apprcach, which is based on BPSO, is
chosen in thi^s stuily to improue time ilelay through finding the best path of wi,re placement
with buffer insert'i,on from source to sink. The best path o! uti,rc placement'is found, in
the first step by the first BPSO ant then the seund BPSO fazib the best tocotion of
buffer i,nsertion olong the wire. A case studg is token to nxensure the perforrnance of the
proposed, mad,el and, the rcsult is obtaineil comparel with the prcrintrc PSO approoch for
VLSI ruuting.

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