Elasticity and Sensitivity of the Vital rates docume...
Created: 2014-08-29 14:49:44
| Last updated: 2014-08-29 14:50:15
Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas
Jon Giddy
Gerard Oostermeijer
Elasticity and Sensitivity of the Vital rates
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
This documentation (tutorial to run the workflow) explains how to run a workflow that belongs to the pack with same name.This workflow calculates the Elasticity and Sensitivity of population growth rate with respect to various vital rates. The goal in both cases is to determine which vital rate(s) has/have the most influence on population growth rate (λ).Elasticity and Sensitivity: Sensitivity and elasticity analyses are prospective analyses.The sensitivity matrix: The sensitivity desc...
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