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Showing 4524 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Tranitive Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph to extract a sub-graph. The result is a new Ondex graph containing only the transitive sub-graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. CV - Seed cv that will be used to extract the subgraph (Optional). AttributeName - Seed attribute name that will be us...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Significance Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a level of significance set by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetAttributeName - Target AttributeName to filter for significance. Significance - A significance value to filter relatio...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Shortest Path (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to the shortest path (graph) algorithm. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. StartConceptID - The Concept ID that starts the path. Valid value range is 1 to 2147483647. UseWeights - Use gds values as edge ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Relation Type Filter (1)

This workflow filters a pre-existing ONdex graph based on a some paramters provided by the user. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional) parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetRelationType - Target RelationType to filter out. ConceptClassRestriction - Concept Class Restriction as ordered pair representing from/to C...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Relation Neighbours Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on some neighbour parameters supplied by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. Depth - The Depth (distance from seed in relations) to apply the filter to ConceptID - The Concept ID to seed th...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Pfam Based Ortholog Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph based on the occurrence of Pfam orthologs within the graph. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ConfidenceThreshold - Threshold value for inparanoid confidence. Default value is 100. AnnotationScoreThreshold - Threshold...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Optimal Paths Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on the optimal path between one or more concepts. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. PathwayDefinition - pathway definition file. StatisticsOutputDir - The directory to output statistics (Optional). Incl...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow One Pair Shortest Path Filter (1)

This workflow filters a pre-existing Ondex graph using the shortest path algorithm on the graph. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. StartConceptID - The Concept ID that starts the path EndConceptID - The Concept ID that ends the path UseWeights -...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Isolate Clusters Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph, isolating clusters within the graph and returning only those clusters as a new graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetConceptClass - Target Concept Class to be contained in clusters.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Graph Cloner (1)

This workflow clones a given Ondex Graph, based on an Ondex Graph identifier.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

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