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Showing 4524 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Query dbsnp, transform to HTML (1)

This is a XProc worklow. Its input is a list of Entrez queries packed in a html list: See "snp_gene_clin"[Filter] AND "snp_pubmed_cited"[Filter] AND 2[CHR] (1000[CHRPOS] : 5000[CHRPOS]) AND 2[CHR] AND "homo sapiens"[Organism] it queries entrez, download the SNPs as XML and transform the result as an HTML table:   r...

Created: 2009-05-21 | Last updated: 2009-05-21

Credits: User Pierre Lindenbaum


Pack Towards Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

Created: 2009-04-08 13:14:54 | Last updated: 2009-08-11 14:50:01

It is increasingly common to combine Microarray and Quantitative Trait Loci data to aid the search for candidate genes responsible for phenotypic variation. Workflows provide a means of systematically processing large datasets, and represent a framework for the re-use and the explicit declaration of experimental methods. In this pack is a paper which describes the issues facing the manual analysis of microarray and QTL data for the discovery of candidate genes underlying complex phenotypes.&n...

20 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 299 times | Downloaded: 80 times


Workflow LINTUL crop model (1)

LINTUL is a simple, generic crop model.

Created: 2009-04-01

Credits: User Robert Muetzelfeldt

Workflow Search InChI in NCBI eSearch (pccompound) (1)

This workflow takes in a search term (e.g. InChI) for search in PubChem pccompound database. The result is an xml file containing summary information about the search term and also a compound image and the compound webpage fetched from Pubchem.

Created: 2009-03-30 | Last updated: 2009-03-30

Credits: User Michael Gerlich

Workflow Download Entries from PubChem (1)

Given a list of identifiers (e.g. CID) and their appropriate type (eID_CID - note that these differ slightly from the original identifier name -> CID <-> eID_CID), this workflow queries PubChem via PUG to retrieve a download URL for the resulting XML file containing the results. Adding support for downloading this XML file and writing it to filesystem is planned.

Created: 2009-03-30 | Last updated: 2009-03-30

Credits: User Michael Gerlich

Workflow Demo of ChemSpider InChi to SMILES webserv... (1)

This demo was created in Excel 2007, with the Office XP Webservices toolkit. Using the spreadsheet, the formula InChiToSMILES invokes the corresponding ChemSpider web service.  How I made this: 1. Installed Office XP Webservices toolkit from the Microsoft Download Center. 2. In Excel 2007 I turned on the Developer tab (hit Office button, then Excel options). 3. In the Developer ribbon I selected Visual Basic 4. In Tools->Web Services References I selected Web Service URL and ente...

Created: 2009-03-28 | Last updated: 2009-03-28

Credits: User David De Roure

Workflow fetch_fasta (1)

This work flow is designed to take an EMBL file containing the genomic data for an identified bacterium. From this information the workflow can determine whether or not that this strain is an MRSA type of bug. This can be determined based on the MecA profile of the given strain. Blast is utilised to find a relationship with given proteins and that of know S. aureus strains. This phylogenic output is generated from a ClustalW algorithm that plots a phylogenic tree. The output is prese...

Created: 2009-03-20 | Last updated: 2009-03-20

Credits: User Jumblejumble

Workflow Biomart Protein Sequence Retrieval (1)

This workflow queries Biomart to retrieve the Ensembl gene id, protein id, gene name, description and amino acid sequence from the Ensembl Homo sapiens dataset. The user needs to specify a defined chromosomal region i.e. Chromo = 1, Start = 100000000, End = 250000000. This returns all unique entries in FASTA format.

Created: 2009-03-09

Credits: User Kieren Lythgow

Workflow Sesame triplestore loader from a dereferen... (2)

Load triples obtained from an URL in N3 or XML format and load them into your local Sesame Triplestore locally installed and available at http://localhost/sesame. The http://localhost/sesame/servlets/uploadURL service of Sesame is used in HTTP POST mode.

Created: 2009-02-19 | Last updated: 2009-02-19

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Blocking Discriminator ... (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a blocking discriminator (1-out-of-M Join) that invokes C after the first invocation of A or B (M=2). All next (M-1) invocations of A or B are ignored and the AND transition is blocked. The pattern is resets if both, A and B have been invoked. Then the next token on "begin" can be processed. Please note that the transitions "C", "ignore", and "release" have different priorities (represented by p0, p1, an...

Created: 2009-01-20

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

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