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1599?size=60x60 Ch Juk

Workflow kddcup98 direct marketing (1)

RapidMiner supports Meta Learning by embedding one or several basic learners as children into a parent meta learning operator. In this example we generate a data set with the ExampleSetGenerator operator and apply an improved version of Stacking on this data set. The Stacking operator contains four inner operators, the first one is the learner which should learn the stacked model from the predictions of the other four child operators (base learners). Other meta learning schemes like Boosting ...

Created: 2012-03-15

Workflow Check in UOC which instruments were observ... (2)

Query of the UOC to find the instrument_observatory keys for instruments which were observing at a given time period and a given location.

Created: 2012-03-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-15

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Jpylyzer Review Demonstration (1)

 Review demonstration workflow that compares the jpylyzer tool with the struct checker and jhove.  Runs on British Library JISC 1 content, looking for invalid images.

Created: 2012-03-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-15

Credits: User Carl

Workflow Jane's Final Workflow (1)

Example workflow demonstrating the use of the DAE platform's web service capabilities, as published "The Non-Geek's Guide to the DAE Platform", Bart Lamiroy & Daniel Lopresti, DAS - 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (2012).

Created: 2012-03-14 | Last updated: 2012-03-14

Credits: User Bart Lamiroy

Workflow Split VOTable into its values (1)

This workflow takes a single VOTable and splits it up in a vector for the names of fields, a vector for the UCDs of the fields, a vector for the UTypes of the fields, and a two dimensional vector for the values.

Created: 2012-03-14 | Last updated: 2012-03-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Co-rotating Interaction Regions backwards ... (1)

Run the cir backwards propagation code on the HELIO processing service. Required inputs: time start of backwards propagation, the object (planet/spacecraft) from where the propagation should start, assumed solar wind speed at the time, assumed error of solar wind speed Output: VOTable with times at different points in solar system

Created: 2012-03-14 | Last updated: 2012-03-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particl... (1)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start from the hit object hit_object where was the SEP event observed speed of the solar wind error value of solar wind speed beta traveling speed of energetic particals as percentage of the speed of light

Created: 2012-03-13 | Last updated: 2012-03-13

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Associate SEP events at Earth with flare, ... (1)

This is the implementation of a use case worked on during CDAW3 of the HELIO project. SEP events propagated backward from Earth to the Sun. We allow for +- 30 min around the predicted time to search for flare events. The timing of the flare event informs the search time for Type III radio event (time_start to time_peak) and for the CME event (time_start to time_start+1h). Results are presented in a mulitlayered VOTable.

Created: 2012-03-13 | Last updated: 2012-03-13

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc User Rositsa

Attributions: Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particles to the Sun Workflow Extract content of columns from VOTables

Workflow BayesAss+ estiamtion of populations migrat... (1)

BayesAss+ is a program that estimates recent migration rates between populations using MCMC. It also estimates each individual’s immigrant ancestry, the generation in which immigration occurred (i.e. the individual can be assigned as an immigrant from a specific population, a non-immigrant, or the offspring of an immigrant and a non-immigrant), the population (as opposed to the sample) allele frequencies, inbreeding (F) values within each population, and genotypes at any locus wit...

Created: 2012-03-08

Credits: User Pipeline

Workflow Fdist2 Simulation Pipeline Workflow (1)

Fdist2 is a simulation program to detect loci that might be under selection in samples from structured populations.   Workflow Usage & Specifications The workflow reads an input file "fdist_params2.dat", which consists of 6 lines. This file must only contain numbers in the format described: Total number of demes (100 max). No of populations sampled (must be less than or equal to total number of demes). Expected Fst for infinite allele, infinite island model. Sample si...

Created: 2012-03-08 | Last updated: 2012-03-08

Credits: User Pipeline

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