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Showing 4524 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Retrieve_documents_MR1 (1)

This workflow applies the search web service from the AIDA toolbox. Comments: This search service is based on lucene defaults; it may be necessary to optimize the querystring to adopt the behaviour to what is most relevant in a particular domain (e.g. for medline prioritizing based on publication date is useful). Lucene favours shorter sentences, which may be bad for subsequent information extraction.

Created: 2007-12-10

Credits: User Marco Roos User Edgar Network-member AID

Workflow Lucene_bioquery_optimizer_MR1 (1)

This workflow does four things: it retrieves documents relevant for the query string it discovers entities in those documents, these are considered relevant entities it filters proteins from those entities (on the tag protein_molecule) it removes all terms from the list produced by 3 (query terms temporarily considered proteins) ToDo Replace step 4 by the following procedure: 1. remove the query terms from the output of NER (probably by a regexp matching on what is inside the tag, ...

Created: 2007-12-10

Credits: User Marco Roos Network-member AID

Workflow TestIteratorStrategy_withNesting (1)

Implementation of the iteration workaround by Tom Oin conform the Q&A below. The nested workflow 'NestedProcessor' is called that to conform to Tom's explanation. For an alternative solution using a java beanshell to clone list items see 'TestIteratorStrategy_withCloning. This workflow implements the following Q&A: Marco Roos wrote: > Dear Taverna user, > > Issue 1: Complex iteration > > I would like to perform an iteration including a dot product between > a list and a list of li...

Created: 2007-11-29

Credits: User Marco Roos User Tomoinn

Workflow TestIterator (1)

Workflow to experiment with list iteration strategies. Look at metadata of nested workflow 'Concatenate' to see the current iteration strategy.

Created: 2007-11-28

Credits: User Marco Roos

Workflow ChEBI-get_synonyms (2)

This workflow takes a list of entity names separated by a newline and queries the ChEBI database for synonyms. Thanks to Paul Fisher for resolving the problems with the XML Splitter by using an XPath statement to retrieve synonyms.

Created: 2007-11-19 | Last updated: 2007-11-19

Credits: User Sirisha Gollapudi


Blob Viking boat

Created: 2007-11-07 11:46:06 | Last updated: 2008-02-06 12:02:05

Credits: User Don Cruickshank

License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License

This boat is alongside the largest remaining section of Southampton's city wall, next to the Grand Harbour hotel. The sand and blue coloured stone sections on the ground represent the original beach and waterline before the land was reclaimed.

File type: Progressive JPEG image

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 239 times | Downloaded: 1 time


Workflow Picture of me (2)

If you enter as input I smile back at you as output.

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow TreeVisualizationItol (11)

robust interaction

Created: 2013-12-11 | Last updated: 2014-11-27

Workflow SelectingEvolutionaryModelWithPartFinder (19)

BioVeL – Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory Workflow Documentation Name:Perform Short Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Capacities Programme of Framework 7: EC e-Infrastructure Programme – e-Science Environments - INFRA-2011-1.2.1 Grant Agreement No: 283359 Project Co-ordinator: Mr Alex Hardisty Project Homepage: [][1] [1]: ## 1 Description The Pack contain 3 workflows that perform and validate bayesian phylogenetic i...

Created: 2013-12-11 | Last updated: 2014-12-01

Project Biovel

Workflow BioVeL ESW STACK - ENM Statistical Workflo... (5)

The ENM Statistical Stack Workflow (ESW STACK) allows the computation of the extent, intensity and a cummulated potential species distribution through computation of an average sum layer from the input raster layers using the R statistical environment (R Core Team 2013). The sum layer is computed from all input files. e.g from different distribution of species as a mean value from each corresponding raster cell values, coming from the Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) Workflow (http://www.myex...

Created: 2013-10-13 | Last updated: 2016-06-22

Credits: User Robert Kulawik

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